Sunday, October 14, 2012

An Excellent Day

As so often happens when I get busy creating things with friends, I forgot to take photos.  You really should have seen the table decorated for a Halloween breakfast of chocolate croissants and fruit.  But no.  I didn't think to take a photo until the table was pretty well trashed and we were all deep into creating gingerbread masterpieces.

And I didn't even manage to take photos of everyone's gingerbread men, which were darn cute (except maybe for one of Imelda's that had Lil Orphan Annie eyes--she was resistant to giving it pupils, so it was kind of creepy looking).  By the time I thought about taking photos of the gingerbread guys, everyone had just about packed up for the evening.  But I think everyone finished making at least two of the three gingerbread peeps today.

I DID remember to take a photo of the imporant stuff.

The afternoon break.  Guacamole, chips, and a pomegranate margarita.  I wish every afternoon break could be this tasty.

As always, we certainly ate and drank well and I think everyone had fun.  By the time we wrapped up for the evening--because we were playing on the patio, the sun had gone down, and it was getting too dark to see well--I was working on my third gingerbread person.  Or maybe I should say "girly gingerbread diva."

After everyone left, I adjourned to the Sweat Shop and finished up.  I made this arrangement using the brighter Christmas colors I've decorated my kitchen with these last couple years.  I kind of hate to put it away for now but it's clashing a bit with all the Halloween decorations, so into the closet it will go for a few weeks.  These gingerbread characters kind of look like they could get into mischief, don't they?  Especially the guy on the right.  Santa's probably going to leave coal in his stocking this year, don't you think?


  1. Sounds like a marvelous day. Wish I lived on your side of the country and could have joined in!

  2. Definitely, he will get coal :D Sounds like an awesomely fun time and your arrangement is adorable.

  3. these are so cute. what pattern are you using? they would be fun to make for the littles in the family.

  4. So cute. Hey, I'm heading to Avila and the Farm today...are you jealous? :)

  5. "girly gingerbread diva" (awkward! i'm gonna call her GiGi Beedee) is too doggone cute - she'd better stay away from the guy on the right with the goofy grin - he looks like trouble to me...


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