Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gingerbread Men, The Sequel

The back-and-forth between holidays is a bit dizzying, but no more so than when I went into JoAnn's today and they had two aisles of Halloween followed by two aisles of Christmas.  So at the risk of making your head explode, after showing you Halloween decorations yesterday, I'm going to show you Christmas decorations today, okay?  Remember the gingerbread man peep show I entertained you with the other day?  Well, I just can't wait any longer to show you the outcome.

Cute, eh?  Tomorrow (I'm writing this on Friday night) my stitchery friends are coming over to my home--it's my turn to host our monthly get together--and we're going to make these gingerbread men baskets.  Four of us made the Halloween arrangements when we were on vacation at Pismo Beach--remember these?

We had such a great time making them, we decided to do a Christmas version; thus, the idea for the gingerbread men was born. 

The weather should be beautiful--in the 70s--so we'll be working out on my patio.  I'll try to remember to take photos to show you our progress.  We also decided pomegranate margaritas and guacamole should be part of the plan again--after all, the red of the pomegranate and the green of the guacamole are quite Christmassy, aren't they?  Party on!


  1. Sounds like a fun your gingerbread men. I'm very partial to those little cuties. :)

  2. I'm jealous. It sounds like you are going to have a great day. Enjoy!

  3. It sounds like a great time. Wish I was there to crash the party! LOL! I don't think, after yesterday, I'll ever look at Gingerbread Men the same again!!!

  4. love, I adore it!! Dianntha


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