Monday, October 15, 2012

Well, I THOUGHT I Was Done . . .

Each month in preparation for my stitchery group's get together, I put together Harrington and Hannah kits for each of my friends.  And USUALLY before we get together, I have my block finished to show the other ladies, especially if I do anything different to mine because sometimes it inspires them to make changes too.  But this month I was behind by the time we gathered; I'd cut out and placed all the pieces, but I hadn't sewn them to the background yet.  Well, I finally did that today--

And you know what?  I thought I was done until I was uploading the photo and realized my Harrington and Hannah are sightless.  Maybe I was still under the influence of Imelda's Lil Orphan Annie gingerbread man with its blank stare, but I think it's more likely I was simply hasty in wanting to get at least one overdue project done.  Now I'll need to get the block out again and give these little guys some eyes.  And what do you think:  Does the worm need an eye too?

Each month, shortly after my stitchery group's get together, the designer of this free BOM, Michelle May, posts the new block, so my group is always three weeks or so behind.  As I finished this block, I was thinking for a few moments that at least I was caught up on ONE BOM project.  But do you know what?  When I looked, I found she's posted the October block now, so I'm not caught up at all!  Darn!  Behind again!

This week, now that several deadlines are over, I'm going to try to get caught up on a few of my delinquent projects.  I'll let you know how I do.  At this point I'm not even sure where to start.  But I guess the next project has already been identified:  Giving the bunnies the gift of sight.


  1. i think the worm needs an eye AND a goofy grin ... it seems like, no matter what it is, i am never all the way done with it...

  2. I agree, the worm needs eyes as well.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!