Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What's Next?

Several months ago--I think it may have been in January--quilter Diane Steele (Rabid Quilter) came to talk to our guild about block swaps, challenges, and round- and row-robins . . . among other ideas for collaborative quilting. Some of us were interested in trying out her ideas, and a small group was formed.

I don't think we have a name--or, if we do, I've forgotten it. But we decided the theme of our first attempt would be "winter," our blocks would be 9" (finished), and the main colors were to be blue, white, silver, and possibly green for trees. I think we can use other colors too, but blue, white, and silver should be predominant.

We're to exchange blocks in mid-September. Of course, I've procrastinated. But over the last month or two, I've had a concept in mind; tonight I finally pulled out some fabric, put pencil to paper and rotary cutter to fabric, fired up the sewing machine, and came up with this:

Yeah, not too much . . . so far. But I'll be adding some applique to the white center. In my mind, the white is the background and the blue is primarily a frame. I think I'm supposed to make eight or nine blocks, but I'll make ten just to be sure I have enough.

I think I'll probably continue to stitch up the "background" blocks and then add the applique when I'm done. Periodically, I'll show you my progress as I go. I know our group's organizer, Sandy, reads my blog occasionally, but I don't know that any of our other members do; besides, we haven't been told to keep these secret, so I don't think I'll be ruining anyone's surprise.

Check out Diane's blog--there's a link you can click on up at the beginning of this post. Her current post shows some photos of row robins and a challenge project she's been involved in. Maybe she can inspire you too!


  1. I like it, Kim! Very wintry with the blue and white. Some applique will be perfect!

  2. I can't wait to see the applique, the blocks are stunning all on their own!

  3. Funny story to share with you...a strip quilt round robin, winter theme, one gal gave each of the participants a long white 8" strip of fabric - What's this? Snowmen in a snow storm!!!

    I love these challenge ideas/groups! You sure have fun!!

  4. Well, aren't you nice! Group quilts are so fun. I love your block and can't wait to see what you applique in the center!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!