Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trial Follow-Up

I've been busy tonight getting things ready for our monthly Autumn House gathering tomorrow evening--the four of us working on the project get together once a month to cut the "kit" for the next month's block, and I usually fix us something to eat for dinner while they're here. Unfortunately, I only have so much time each evening, and sometimes blog time is a little limited--and that's the case tonight.

Rather than not write anything, I thought some of you might be interested in hearing a little more that I've learned about the trial I served as a juror on. Phyllis, this is your chance to click away if this kind of stuff offends you. Go ahead; come back tomorrow.

Here's the brief news story that was printed about the case:

The other day, after we reached our verdict and finished the trial, I did some computer searches to see what was published when the defendant was first arrested, and I didn't find anything. What I did come across at the same time as two of the rapes were committed was information reported to police of a very, very similar crime--it really sounds like it was the same guy, same van, and the same area. This wasn't one of the cases we considered though--my thought is that if it WAS the same guy, perhaps the prosecutor wasn't able to re-locate the victim as the case was coming to trial. Anyway, here's what was published in the local newspaper's crime blog:

(If the print is too small to read either article, I've provided links to the originals.)

Finally, I talked to one of the attorneys in my office today--up until a few months ago, he worked as a deputy district attorney in a neighboring county and is very familiar with criminal law. He said that one of the counts we convicted this guy of, kidnapping with intent to commit rape, carries with it a life sentence. Of course, that doesn't even include the time this guy will serve for all the other crimes we found him guilty of. While I kind of feel a life sentence is a little steep for anything short of homicide, the fact that this defendant seemed to be escalating in his criminal behavior and probably committed more crimes than he was tried for makes me feel a little better about the jury's findings. It's sad, though, to think about how his actions have impacted not only himself and his victims, but his family and his friends as well. And I have to say, for those of you who think the guy should be strung up by his thumbs and have similar acts done to him, that up until the time the verdicts were read in court, I never would have expected to feel sorry for someone who committed a crime like this, but I do feel a little sad. And, of course, a little glad he was caught before he harmed more women. It's an odd mix of emotions.


  1. So glad these women came forward - so many women don't - sounds like justice was served! But you are right I always feel bad for the families are both sides - as a mother you must be thinking "what went wrong with my kid?"

  2. You are truly a compassionate person Kim. But you as much as anyone understands that justice was served as well as it could be for the damage that was done to people who did not deserve it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!