Thursday, August 9, 2012

Five Ring Circus

Have you been watching the Summer Olympics? If so, what's your favorite sport? Do you have a favorite athlete?

Here in the U.S., there's been a lot of talk about NBC's coverage and the internet and broadcast spoilers. I've been wearing figurative blinders whenever I log onto the Yahoo home page; I try to get to wherever I'm going without really reading any of the headlines so I don't know what's going to happen ahead of time. I've watched the games most evenings, but last weekend I felt like I'd been overloaded with too much sports coverage, so I left the TV off--of course, that also meant I didn't do any quilting either!

Now that track and field has begun, I'm reminded of what glamour girls some of the female runners are. Isn't it fun to see them? Remember Flo-Jo (Florence Griffith-Joyner)? She really set the standard for high fashion hair, make-up, nails, and running attire. And I can't believe how cut those women are, can you? It kind of makes me want to go around my house and cover all the mirrors; especially the ones in the bathrooms!

The thing about the Olympics that really has me annoyed, though, is the broadcast times--why can't NBC at least begin primetime at 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m.? And if it bugs me--and I'm a confirmed night owl--what must other fans be thinking? My own personal marathon has become how many nights in a row I can stay up late watching and then try to write a blog post and get ready for bed. ARGH!

So what do you think about the games? Discuss.


  1. Have not really seen much of the olimpics, but did you see that Flo-Jo's Daughter (who is around 17 ish) was on America's Got Talent!!

  2. We are really enjoying watching the games this summer. It has even gotten my husband and I out the door early several times a week to play tennis and our kids running at the track.
    I have never understood why some parts of the country do not start prime time until 8pm - for us it starts at 7, it allows me to get to bed at a decent hour.

  3. I totally agree with you on the program timing. And, though we love to watch the competition/events, the rest of the NBC 'filler' is pretty are the way-too-many ads. We do usually check in each evening, but don't last long.

  4. We've watched every evening to the end and it's really played havoc with our sleep patterns. We've made the same comment about starting it at 7:00 instead of 8. We've attended 4 Olympics and with a track and field and soccer player for a husband, (in his youth, of course) we never miss a minute! LOVE the Olympics!

  5. RE:Timing - that's why I love living in the Central time zone! We're on the East coast scheduling, but with the time difference everything starts an hour earlier. Which also means that by the time I need to be in bed, the primetime programming is ending.

    RE: the olympics - what I've seen, I've enjoyed. The swimming and diving were my favorites, but I also liked the gymnastics a great deal - both men's and women's. My husband prefers the track and field and volleyball events, though.

  6. I have always loved the Olympics but quit watching last week due to NBC's "editing" of women's gymnastics. Seems they think it's a reality show and felt the need to create "drama" by not showing key events. No more NBC for me!

  7. We went to the Rowing at Eton Dorney at the Olympics Kim. It was fantastic. The atmosphere was incredible. Of course, every time a GB crew rowed past, there was a huge roar of approval. We did see some USA flags there too.
    Bev in Britain.

  8. Heh - the only spoiler I didn't avoid was from NPR, where (I even checked the transcript the next day to make sure I heard correctly) the woman said, even though she knew the outcome of the gymnastics, she would turn on the tv later to watch Gabby win gold. I mean, seriously - that's straight-up saying, "I know it's not shown in the us yet, but let me tell you the outcome!" without even the "it was an accident!" NBC excuse. Meh. My hard parts were avoiding my friends from when I lived in London, because of course their Facebook/twitter conversations took place a few hours earlier!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!