Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Day Late . . .

That saying concludes with "and a dollar short," but I don't think it applies here, does it? If one was to say that quilting costs money--and it does, of course--it would be much more than a dollar, but then the satisfaction is so great, it's completely worth the money.

So, anyway, here's my Comfort & Joy block--a day late.

Have you been watching the Olympics? I was thinking that with the Olympics on, I'll get a lot of quilting done, because I'll be completely happy sitting in front of the TV as much as possible. But then it occurred to me that I'll probably be distracted by the events, sitting on the edge of my seat to see who'll win each one, so all in all, I'm not sure whether the Olympics will spur me on or sidetrack me! How about you? Are you watching?

P.S.: Santa is still eyeless because I'm leaning toward giving him button eyes which will have to be added after the quilting. Just thought you'd want to know.


  1. Better late than never! Nice! I am loving this quilt. I'm not much into the Olympics yet. We'll see.

  2. Love your Santa and he'd be cute with button eyes. I have been watching the Olympics, but I'm with you - I find it a bit distracting and actually quit sewing when one of the swimming events comes on so I can watch every minute of it!

  3. I'm very distracted by the Olympics. Thought I was going to get a ton of hand work done but, it's not looking good for me right now. One consolation....the games are only every two years, so I've got lots of time to stitch when they're over. Love your block...eyes or no eyes!

  4. I'm very interested to see your color/fabric choices for Comfort & Joy. I made this pattern last year using more traditional reds and greens. Your version is much more cheerful! Olympics ... I watch now and then but can't stay interested for long. I wonder what that says about me?

  5. Love your santa block. I am watching the Olympics and trying to sew at the same time. It isn't easy.

  6. Very cute Santa, Kim. Yes, I am watching the Olympics, too. Has anyone else noticed the yahoo crawler- the pics look like paperpieced quilting. Pretty cool.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!