Saturday, July 28, 2012

Close, But No Cigar!

July 28th. Time to reveal the fourth block of the Comfort & Joy quilt. You'll likely recall that I've been playing catch up on this one because I waffled for a couple months before deciding to take the plunge.

I THOUGHT I'd have it done. Of course, I didn't think I'd work late tonight and then be so tired I can barely keep my eyes open--sometimes Friday nights are like that, aren't they? So I didn't finish. So close, but yet so far. I still have a small applique block to make--just a bird with an embroidered sign; probably about two hours worth of work.

I DID get the main part of the block done, except for Santa's eyes, and I haven't quite decided on those yet. At least I can show you this:

I'll probably have the block finished this weekend and I'll show you the entire block four when I finish. In the meantime, you can visit Anne's blog, Cottons 'n Wool, and click to view the blocks by the other participants from there. (As I write this, she hasn't posted yet, but I know she will, so if you arrive a bit early for the reveal, check back with her a little later in the day.)


  1. I feel your pain....I am pooped

  2. Santa's hat is darling! Can't wait to see what's next for you. Love the brights!

  3. Great block! Love your colors!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!