Monday, July 30, 2012

Sometimes It's Hard

Sometimes it's hard to get in some quality sewing time. Hubby's been awfully sick this weekend--I think it's the flu--and that means I've had to take on a few nursing duties. Poor guy--I hope he's feeling better soon!

Then, too, the excitement of some of the Olympics events makes it difficult to concentrate on sewing. But really, all of those distractions pale in comparison to having someone lay on your arm while you're trying to sew.

Nevertheless, I've finished the latest Harrington and Hannah block. Cute, isn't it?

And I've begun the next project--but I can see it might take awhile at this rate.

Some cats like to lay on the quilts. My cat likes to lay on the quilter.


  1. Such lovely photos of your cat - there must be something about quilts that they love cos my 2 cats do the same, and one insists on occupying my lap in the evening when I am cross-stitching and likes to try and catch the thread as I sew - such a huge help! Hope your husband is feeling better this morning - the Olympics are great - we have it on all day - just watched the women rowing - all so exciting! Have a good day!

  2. Stitch looks too adorable to move. I think you should abandon the sewing and pet the kitty. Hope hubby feels better soon.

  3. Hope your hubby feels better soon. Love your H & H block!

  4. oh I hate it when our boys are is like having another child home sick and they are so pitiful when they don't feel well! hoping for a quick recovery. You Rabbit block is soooo cute and I am so far behind! I also am blaming it on the Olympics!!!

  5. Cats like to help us with our sewing. Your cute kitty looks just like my Boo.

  6. I had to lock my Sam cat out when I was sewing; he liked to lie on the sewing table and slap at the needle as it moved up and down!
    Love your kitty. You probably can't sew without him...

  7. Hope hubby doesn't pass it to you. Silly to love em!


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