Friday, February 17, 2012

Thrifty Creations

I've been wanting to show you a couple of the gifts I received from my stitchery girlfriends on Saturday, not just because they're really cool and fun but also because I think there are some crafty ideas here that might lead to other creations.

Gran gave me this really great pincushion--it's a big sunflower!

Although this one was made commercially, it could be reproduced with a candle stand from the thrift store, felted wool, and a glue gun. I just love it!

My friend Imelda gave each of us what she called a red neck wine glass--

She made them by gluing canning jars to glass/crystal candle holders she got at a thrift or antique store. They make fun joke gifts, but I also thought I'd fill mine with buttons and add a scrap of fabric to cover the metal lid--maybe something a little fancier than cotton for the fabric, but I'm not sure yet. Of course, I could construct some type of pincushion to cover the metal lid--wouldn't that be excellent?

In the first photo, there's another little pincushion from my friend Sandy. We agreed we're all developing quite a pincushion collection--there's no way we can use all of them, but they're all so unique and fun--just like the stitchers themselves!


  1. I really think that redneck wine glass is a fun idea! I too am accumulating pincushions...hmmm, what to do with them all??

  2. Love the sunflower, too cute! My favorite pincushion is a felt "piece of cake" with a strawberry on top.

  3. What a great idea.Thanx to share with us.Red neck wine glass look so wonderful.Sunflowers designs are look so beautiful.

  4. I love the sunflower pincushion but the redneck wine glass is the best. Now I know there is hope for the dozens of canning jars in my basement.

  5. Oh Kim, I am so glad you posted these. I have the perfect antique lamp in my garage sale pile, in fact it has the same identical base as your pin cushion..I'm rescuing it! I also have the perfect friend for redneck wine glasses....gotta hit the thriftshop for candle bases!!

  6. LOL the redneck wine glasses were a big item in the Christmas craft booths around here. I like the idea of turning it into a button jar with a pincushion on top! I love the sunflower too. Have a happy weekend!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!