Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday Night Sew-In Results

I guess Friday "Night" isn't quite accurate since two of my stitching friends and I spent the entire day together sewing! I arrived at Gran's house at 11 a.m. and started in on my applique. A couple hours later, we took a break to enjoy a lovely big salad and bread for lunch. Then it was back to more stitching.

By dinner time, a fourth stitcher joined us and we went out for Chinese food. Eating and stitching all day--what could be more fun? And, of course, enjoying the companionship of good friends.

Two of our friends were ill and unable to make it today, but I'm sure they'll be back with us by the time we have our next regular get together. We wound up the day around 10 p.m. with a little dessert and packing up. All in all, we accomplished a lot and had a great time doing it.

Up at the top is a photo of the applique pieces I completed--these are from the Garden Club Quilt project. I think I'm going to add a wing to that brown chicken tomorrow--the more I look at it, the more I think it needs something.

Did you participate in the sew-in? What did you work on? Whatever it was, or whatever you did if you didn't sew, I hope you had as wonderful a time doing it as I did!


  1. I think you are right about that chicken. It looks a little plain. I meet with several women on Monday nights. We bring along whatever we are working with at the time and meet at one of the local churches. We sew, chat and someone usually bring cookies and drinks. It is a nice break to get out and see what others are doing.

  2. What fun! I love those all day/all evening quilt events! With lots of food involved!

  3. I can't think of a better way to spend a day!

  4. I sewed in at my own house (Honeyman was on shift so I was with the kids) I worked on my swoon, after going and buying a new iorn, and stitched till midnight!! Getting closer to done!! Ya me!! Oh, It is VERY mean of you to tease with that red velvet cake and not share! LOL!!

  5. I had planned to sew all day and night yesterday, but "stuff happens," right? So... Off to the quilt show in Turlock today, and then hoping to sew this evening! I'm praying for some inspiration today!

  6. What a great day you and your friends had. I wish i could have such a day myself.

  7. Sounds like a great time was had by all! Love your blocks, you are sorely tempting me to start this one. I have all the patterns from back when it was released as a block of the month (long long ago in a galaxy far far away). The chicken does need a wing - a polka dot wing - just saying! LOL! Enjoy your long weekend!

  8. How fun! and it is all needleturn applique? :-o I did participate in the sew in, but couldn't post yesterday due to a computer problem~ mine had to go to the Dr and then when we came home, we didn't have power! yikes.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!