Thursday, February 16, 2012

On a Roll . . .

Okay, raise your hand if you're doing the Merry, Merry Snowmen block of the month this year.

Wow! Of the ten people who regularly read my blog, four of you are doing this block of the month! I'm impressed!

And in addition to you, four of us in my stitchery group signed up through a shop online before any of us knew that some of our local shops were also offering it. But a fifth person in our group is doing it through a local shop. And guess what arrived in the mail last Friday? The goodies to make the first block! Wooo-hooo!

Here's mine--

Nope, not letting any moss grow on this particular stone; not when it's just the first month, anyway!

I made a couple small changes to mine. I used a different fabric for the top of the cupcake stand. In the original quilt, it's made with a different taupe fabric, but I didn't think there was enough contrast between that and the cupcake, so I pulled out a pinkish-red French General fabric from another line, and I think it's a better contrast. I also embroidered the "Merry Merry Cupcake" sign in black instead of red. I think the black stands out a little more, and I like that. NOT so intentionally, I used a different toned solid for the square in square blocks and the right side strip--I think the one I was supposed to use is a little more tan. I just didn't realize there were THREE solid fabrics in the packet; I thought there were TWO. I don't think it will make much difference, though.

I'm almost running out of applique projects, and I have a day of stitching planned for Friday with some of my friends, so I'm trying to get the next block or two of the Garden Club Quilt prepped. And, of course, I have several other non-applique projects I'd like to work on this weekend. How about you? Do you have some quilt projects planned? This Friday, February 17th, is the Friday Night Sew-In over at Heidi's--don't forget to sign up! Just click HERE to get the information and add your name to the list. I hope to "see" you there Friday night!


  1. Only 10? Surely not!

  2. That is SO cute! Have a wonderful time tomorrow. Florence

  3. Well I'm one of those lucky ten! but not one of the lucky four! LOL! I am going out this weekend to buy a new Iron!! Mine died!! BooHoo!! LOL! Then I am going to sontuiue on with my Swoon for my Honeyman! Five blocks done four to go!!

  4. Hand raised, but I don't have my first block done yet :(. Yours is gorgeous, like the slight changes. I've been Swoonin' which is another block addiction I see a soul above has that one as well...almost done tho and then snowman sewing will commence! Hoping to use a white wool for them...we'll see how that goes...

  5. I have the pattern, and the fabric needed from Rouenneries Deux, but I'm not doing it as a BOM. I have 8 or 9 of those going on right now and it just wasn't going to happen starting another one. It is a very cute quilt.

  6. super cute! I like the changes you made.

  7. Oh my I signed up for this BOM at my local quilt shop
    Thimblecreek! I can't believe how fast you are. Great job on the block!

  8. Wow. Your fast. I only have two of the square in a square blocks done. I did appliqué the small snowman (twice- the first one I trimmed too small). I did prep my freezer paper though.

  9. Gee Kim, I can help! If you run out of appliqué projects, I have many I have started and left behind. I'd hate you to get bored.

  10. I read your blog regularly, but can't always comment as my life has been taken over by a doctoral program. ;) I'm not doing this as a BOM because I wanted a different color palette (blues, greys and whites), but I did buy the pattern with the intention of making it this summer when I'm not in classes.

  11. I signed up for this BOM from Fat Quarter Shop but I haven't received the first installment yet. I suspect I'll be a month behind all through due to our lousy mail service.

  12. I love snowmen! However, I do not know about the Merry Merry Snowmen BOM...where can I sign up and get the kits? Please :)

  13. OH MY GOD! Do I have to come over and tie your hands together to slow you down??? You are running out of projects???? What are we going to do with you?????

    But I have to say I love the idea of the blues and greys from Busy Beavers. maybe I will have to make two! This knowing I haven't even started block one....

  14. Cupcake designs are look so beautiful.Different colors designs are look on the fabrics is really royal.


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