Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Year of the Watermelon

We have a bit of a joke in my Thimbleberries Club group. Several times in the past, one of our group teachers has estimated that a Thimbleberries "extra" project took her about an hour to make, so now we joke that anything fairly easy takes only an hour.

I think this tablerunner took about TWO hours. Seriously. Not including the quilting, which seems to have taken longer than the piecing but not that much--I kept it pretty simple. I used wool for the seeds and stars and sewed them on when I did the quilting.

A couple months ago, I came across a watermelon pitcher at the thrift store and I thought then that a summer watermelon theme in my kitchen would be fun this year. Then I came across this magazine earlier this week:

And that's where I saw the watermelon runner. See it there on the right side? Cute, isn't it? For mine, I just need to stitch down the binding and it will be finished. I DO think I need some placemats though. And maybe other stuff. Yep, I think it's going to be the year of the watermelon.


  1. VERY cute! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  2. Cute. I thnk Fonz and Porter has an Easy Projects magazine in stores now that has a watermellon quilt on the front cover.
    I am sure there is no such thing as quilt in an hour or even a day for me! Maybe it's ADD.

  3. Yep, check out what Debbie said about the watermelon quilt on the cover of a mag...I have it and it is so cute! I am thinking it will be the year of the watermelon as well :)

  4. I'll be here as usual to check out your watermelons in progress. Don't always take time to comment but just wanted to say hey today!

  5. Thimbleberries has a nice set of Watermelon placemats. They were part of the club in 2003, and then printed in the Quilting a Patchwork Garden book. They're on my TB To-Do list that just gets longer and longer :)

  6. And who doesn't love watermelons? love your runner!

  7. Year of the Watermelon. Love it! Super cute. I've looked at the runner too and may quite possibly put it on my summer "to do" list.

  8. Love that runner - it's on my list to do....last night I made the coasters and holder - very cute and easy! This issue has lots of cute things.....piece.....


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