Saturday, April 30, 2011


Just six more sleeps and then the paper comes down off the windows, . . .

. . . the front door opens, and a new Sacramento quilt shop will be born!

If you ever shop in the Sacramento area, now you'll have a new quilt shop to check out--and tell your friends about too! It's located in Town and Country Village off Fulton Avenue (not too far from I-80) just across the parking lot from the building that used to house William Glen (Goore's baby store is moving into that building very soon).

The grand opening is next Thursday. I can hardly wait!


  1. Oh, how exciting! Wish I was in the area! We have had two shops close in the last year o:(

  2. Very exciting! So many are closing, this is good news! :)

  3. Love the new shop's name! I can already tell you'll be spending lots of time there. Very exciting!

  4. woohoo!!!! So exciting - I wish I could be there! So, instead sending cyber (((((((hugs))))))) and cheers - hip, hip, hooray!!! Best wishes and great success!!

  5. From the comments I am assuming this is gran's shop? Are you a partner? Or just support staff, LOL? Well, best of luck for a successful shop!!

  6. Hey, thank you for the heads up about "my" new quilt shop opening up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Open, Open, Open!
    It was especially fun reading the comments from you blogging buddies - thanks!


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