Monday, May 2, 2011

A Lovely Day

Yesterday (Sunday) I hosted the monthly get together of our stitchery group. The weather was warm and nice, so we spent the day on the patio. A couple of weeks ago, I realized I needed to replace our mesh patio chairs before summer arrived, and somehow the hunt to replace our old, worn out chairs turned into the purchase of a new patio set. Well, to the honest, our old table had a glass top, and every time Hubby pushed up off the table to stand up, I envisioned him breaking through that glass, so I'd wanted to replace the old table for a long, long time too. In any event, we finally found a set that suits our needs, and it was delivered on Friday, just in time to be put to good use on Sunday.

There are usually six of us who get together, but this time, two of our group couldn't make it. Gran is in Canada, spending time with her mom, and another lady in our group had an out-of-town family gathering to attend. The remaining four of us enjoyed one another's company, and as usual, we spent the day talking, eating, and stitching.

My projects for the day were binding two recent quilts. Julie-Julia told me she didn't realize the mini basket quilt was so small, so I took a photo of the finished quilt with a rotary cutter on top for size reference.

I finished the watermelon tablerunner too.

Originally, I was hoping to finish the tablerunner and use it on the patio table for our gathering, but there's never enough time for everything, is there? When I started cutting fabric for my runner, I cut enough fabric to put together kits for my stitchery friends too, and the fabric in each kit is just slightly different. I'm looking forward to seeing the runners my friends make.

If you looked for my blog this morning and didn't find it, that's because I had computer issues last night and couldn't post. The computer was slow as mud and kept wanting to do security updates but not doing anything; after those issues were resolved, every time I tried to access my blog, I got an error message, so around midnight, I just gave up and went to bed.

I wish I could spend another day on the patio with friends, but now it's time to go to work so I can pay for the new patio furniture. Thanks for stopping by for a visit!


  1. I did miss you when I logged on this morning and no new blog post from you! Glad you had an enjoyable stitchery day and your pc issues are resolved!

  2. Love your new patio set:) Thanks for putting the rotary cutter on top of your mini quilt to show how small it is. Your work is beautiful! I don't think I could sew something so small...
    And, all your friends getting a table runner kit - how special!

  3. Love the little basket quilt! Sounds like a fun time with your friends....wouldn't it be fun to be able to do that all of the time...*sigh*

  4. I have to say I was at the store over the weekend and picked up the magazine with the cute little watermelon runner in it! Loved all of the quick and easy patterns in it!! Keep stitchin!!

  5. I love your new patio set. Do you mind sharing where you found it? We need to replace our failing wooden set but I don't want a glass top table. I just don't think that it would be a good idea with a kid around.

  6. Hi Kim -- I was worried this morning -- lol. Glad it was just computer issues. Love your table runner and quilt. Florence

  7. That is a fantastic patio set...I like that! We too have a glass top table one (what was a I thinking?)
    That mini quilt with the basket....adorable!!!!!!

  8. I did miss your post this morning. How nice to have a friend like you to stitch with and to make kits for your friends!

  9. Love your new patio set. I know what you mean about the glass top tables. They make me nervous too.

  10. Your patio furniture is great. I would love to have a set like that and have friends over for stitching. How fun. You are very lucky. You little flower basket quilt is great. I did not realize how small it was either. It is amazing!!

  11. The new patio set looks inviting. Your watermelon table runner looks awesome and I'm sure you'll enjoy it all summer.

  12. Missing you and missing the good times we have at our Circle of Friends. When I get back to the good ole' USofA I need to get together and catch up on what you all did for fun.

  13. Oh, that patio set is so pretty! Actually, everything in this post is pretty. Here in Australia I would say that I thought your outdoor set is pretty!

  14. Your basket quilt is amazing. I love little blocks. Amazing!


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