Monday, April 18, 2011

What I Did on My Spring Vacation . . .

Thank goodness I woke up this morning feeling much, much better! Thanks for all your well wishes--that's probably what did the trick. Either that, or it was just one of those 24-hour bugs. In any event, I felt well enough today to get everything done that I'd planned.

I was able to get the bathroom put back together. Want a peek? It's too small a room to get a very good shot, but you can see a little bit from the doorway.

With that egg yoke yellow, there's just no way anyone can enter that bathroom in the morning and not instantly wake up, is there? It's a little crazy, but I think I like it. (To the right and out of the photo is the bath tub/shower combination. We keep our towels rolled up on top of that shelf that goes around three sides of the room about a foot below the ceiling. We've found it's the best way to extend our "storage" space!)

While I was taking photos, I thought I'd take one of the bookshelf I found at Goodwill the other day. I cleaned it up a little and put it in the Sweat Shop to hold some of my magazines--the ones I want to save intact--and some of my jelly roll and honey bun precuts. It's also a good spot for the two large button jars.

When I was puttering around in the Sweat Shop last night, one of the things I was trying to do was to clean off some space on that little desk you see to the left of the bookshelf. (That area used to be a closet, but I removed the doors and added more shelves.) I still have two baskets of patterns on the desk but at least there's a little more room now that I moved the magazines. (You can also see at least some of the mini basket quilt I'm working on up on the design wall.)

And another photo of the Sweat Shop--this one was taken near the doorway and just to the right of my chair and sewing machine. The white bread box on the table holds most of my charm packs (some with background and border fabrics), so I can easily look through what I have to pick out fabric for each month's Le Petite project.

No doubt I have a LOT of fabric, but it probably looks like I have more than I do--those shelves aren't very deep; only about 7". The room is about 9' x 9' and the shelves continue around behind my chair to the doorway (the shelves begin to the left of a window, which is just out of frame on the right). My father-in-law was kind enough to build them for me and I love being able to see what I have. It's kind of hard to get perspective, but the table is pretty much centered on the wall it's up against and extends into the room; the ironing station is around on the other side of the table.

Besides finishing up the bathroom and getting the Sweat Shop straightened up, I cleaned the rest of the house too, so now I can go back to work tomorrow with a clear conscience! (I even paid the bills--woo-hoo!) With all I did today, though, I'm pretty pooped, so I'm heading to bed for my beauty sleep. See you tomorrow!


  1. Upstairs we have a little room with toilet and washbasin in and guess what colour it is...yep YELLOW and I love it too. Actually it's what was left over from the kitchen. When we bought the paint it said beurre (butter) so we expected a nice creamy colour, when we put it on it dried like egg yolk OMG! I wasn't sure I liked it at first but decided it looked very "French" in the kitchen, and everyone commented how nice it was .....but it did take some getting use to such a bright colour. Here's a picture of my kitchen:

  2. Your bathroom is adorable and I like have u have shelves going around your sewing room.

  3. I love that bathroom! The yellow may be a bit bright but I think it just makes the room. And the red towel just POPS against the yellow and white. Your sewing room is great too. LOVE all that fabric. I wish I had all the shelving like that. Right now I'm sewing in our extra bedroom and I can't re-configure it too much just in case we would need it for a nursery again.

  4. The bathroom looks very cheery! I am a huge fan of wainscoting, and we just put it in our laundry room. Yes, it does look like you have a ton of fabric!

  5. Thanks for sharing the pics! And I am glad you are feeling better!

    PS: I'll let you pet my fabric, if I can pet yours! :-)

  6. I love love LOVE your egg-yolk yellow bathroom!!! I always wanted a kitchen that color---maybe I should paint my bathroom that color one weekend when my hubby is away---think he would notice when he got home? :D And yeah, woman, you have a LOTTTTT of fabric...organized all neat and tidy. I would love to come play in your sweatshop. :) Glad you're feeling better.

  7. Thank you for sharing your work space with us. I love your room. It looks like sucha nice place to work/play in. I am still sewing on the kitchen table. LOL!! I am glad you are feeling better. Oh and I love the bathroom!

  8. Holy #@%*!@#! you are in fabric Heaven in your workshop! Your bathroom does pack a punch:) it's pretty fun... no caffine needed!

  9. The bathroom is so lovely! I love a good punch of colour!
    I bet sitting at your sewing machine and looking at all of those fabrics you are very inspired!


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