Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sick Leave

Sadly, I don't have much to talk about this evening. Last night, before bed, I started feeling sick to my stomach and I've continued to feel ill and tired all day long, so all I've really done is sleep, read, and putter around in the Sweat Shop this evening, trying to better organize all my "stuff." (I really need to sew more and buy less, but at least I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that thought, am I?)

I still have to put the bathroom back in order and clean house on Sunday--and I sure hope I'm feeling better so I can get it all done before I have to go back to work on Monday! I'm feeling a bit better this evening, so I hope a good night's sleep will put me back on track.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hopefully a good night's sleep will find you all well. Happy dreams!

  2. Maybe you are sick because you are thinking about going back to work! Feel better....

  3. Hopefully you feel better after a good night's sleep. Take care! Helen

  4. I hope you feel like your perky self soon! Get rest and take care!

  5. Too bad you're feeling under the weather! Get well soon! That "sew more, buy less" comment made me laugh! I think you've been peeking into my stash! And would it surprise you to know that when I get done reading blogs, I'm going to check out the online fabric sale I heard about? lol

    Happy Quilting!

  6. I hope this morning finds your better, and hate to hear your last days home on vacation have been hampered.

    Oh, yeah, your are the only person who would be safe in an earthquake due to fabric stash. Yeah, I'm sure. Oh maybe that's me I'm thinking of...and I live in Maryland where there hasn't been an earthquake since creation. I tell people the 1700's bed they sleep on in my guest room can't fall down because it's held up with fabric piles.

    Hope you can enjoy today. Blessings, :o)

  7. Feel better soon. And you're right, you aren't the only one who feels they need to use up some stash before buying more fabric.

  8. Hope your feeling better today Kim. I know how it is, I've been battling a cold too. Hopefully you'll be back to your old self very soon and sewing up a storm.

  9. no ... no, you are NOT alone in that thought ... i was probably thinking it at exactly the same time as you...

    and that's what happens when you surround yourself with TSP fumes and paint fumes - you get SICK! feel better!!!

  10. I hope you are feeling better this morning. I came down with a cold on Saturday. Hang in there!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!