Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mad Skilz

It's been brought to my attention in the last couple days that Soccer Son, who recently purchased a video camera, has been filming and uploading videos of himself and his soccer skills to YouTube.

Pretty impressive, right?

If only these skills he has were transferrable to the corporate job market, I'd be one happy mama. You know the kind of job I mean, right? The kind that pays well with a benefits package that includes health care and retirement?

Seriously, at least health care, right? After all, those stairs look pretty steep, and going up and down them while juggling a soccer ball. . . . Well, no wonder my hair's turning gray.


  1. Impressive skills. Oh to have the ability and flexibility to pick something up without bending down. ;~}

  2. Yeah, I'm waiting for there to be a great need for chainmail!...or maybe not :o0...swords and spears and longbows oh my!

  3. wow. with all that practicing he really doesn't have time for a corporate job!! Maybe he could make some money as a street performer? He's good..

  4. Sandy from ThimbleberriesApril 19, 2011 at 7:34 AM

    I was impressed. Maybe he could get a clown suit and hire himself out for birthday parties. He would be a big hit. I have some good looking embroidery clown outfits you could use for patterns to make him a costume. Let me know.

  5. Soccer son is very talented! My mom can give specific details of each "incident" related to every one of her gray hairs.

  6. You must be so proud of your soccer son. I couldn't do that to save my life. Your son plays with a soccer ball and my son plays his video games.....also not with a health and retirement plan.

  7. My 15-year old daughter insists she's going to be a soccer star.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!