Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you for all the nice comments that helped to make my Birthblogday special! Your words are particularly special because I had already told you that you didn't have to tell me you loved me to be entered into the giveaway!

Some of you mentioned you hoped I'd gotten a better night's sleep or some rest over the weekend, and I can tell you that yes, as a matter of fact, I did. Saturday night was much, much better and I think I probably slept around eight or more hours. I really needed it, and finally by Sunday, I was feeling much more "normal." It's funny how working long hours and not sleeping well for just a couple days can throw a person off so quickly!

After a good night's sleep, on Sunday, we went with another couple to see a play at a small local theater. One of the women I work with, Lee Marie, is an actress in her "spare" time, and she was THE actress in the play, Shirley Valentine. Shirley Valentine is a British play about a 40-ish woman whose children are grown and whose marriage isn't what it once was. She wonders what became of "Shirley Valentine," the person she was before she got married and had children and settled into a life filled with expectations, but by the end of the play, she finds herself again. And yeah, it IS one of those stories that makes you laugh AND cry. The tough thing about the play is that it's a one-woman show, and my friend Lee Marie has mastered two hours of dialogue--in a British accent, to boot! Can you imagine? We were all very, very impressed. And it's a great script too--if you ever have an opportunity, go see it and take all your girlfriends!

After the play and on the recommendation of another friend from work, the four of us had dinner at a really yummy gourmet pizza restaurant that's opened in the last year or two. One of the friends we were with had lunch there before, but the rest of us were unfamiliar with it. As it turned out, it was a perfect choice, and we all had a marvelous time.

Tomorrow is Hubby's surgery--a few of you wished him well. The surgery he's having is similar, I think, to varicose vein surgery in that they will close off one of the veins in his leg because the doctors are concerned it could cause problems in the future. With Hubby's healing problems and skin ulcers, the vascular surgeon feels it's better to take care of it now. So, it's not a huge procedure and it's done on an outpatient basis, but it's still a surgical procedure, and we appreciate your well wishes.

I DO think work will be crazy again later this week--on Wednesday and Thursday--but at least the week is starting out slow. I'd better get some sleep now, while I can, because I have a feeling there will be less of it as the week goes on. See you tomorrow!


  1. Oh Shirley Valentine is one of my all time favourite films with Pauline Collins and Tom Conti(maybe because I an English and have seen it a lot of times!!!)I just love it, it's so funny ... "Hello Wall"...I "talk to the wall" when I can't get an answer from my hubby LOL. Hope your hubby gets on okay at the hospital. Linda

  2. Good thoughts for your Hubby's surgery. Good luck with the crazy work week too.

  3. I'll keep your DH in my prayers this week. You too!

  4. Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy healing.

  5. Hoping your Hubby's surgery is successful and he heals quickly!

  6. Your mention of "Shirley Valentine" reminded me of a book by Herman Wouk called "Marjorie Morningstar." Only she's a young woman who wants to be an actress and "doesn't want to settle." I know you like to read, maybe you'd like this one? (It's kind of an old book...)

    Hope the surgery goes well...

  7. Hoping all went well today with the surgery and your DH heals quickly and without any issues. Try not to work hard this week, then maybe you will have a chance to enjoy your weekend.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!