Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Does 29 Mean?

Thanks to all of you who commented on my Birthblogday post! For some reason, the number 29 popped into my head, so I counted backward from the first comment and the 29th person (the 29th person who wanted to be entered as one person asked not to be) was chosen to win the Bette Bunny kit. I then counted 29 again, and then once more for the next two winners who will each get one of my patterns of their choice. First, drum roll, please . . . .

Laurie wins the Bette Bunny kit. She said, "Your blog and a hot cup of coffee is how I start my days. I have to agree with the comments that everyone before me posted. I laugh at the job and the quilting and the amount that you get done inspires me. I hope hubby does well with surgery. Happy Blog birthday!!!!" Laurie, please email me your mailing address.

Second and third prizes go to:

Arlene Ferrigno, who said "Kim, I get an immense kick out of reading about your adventures. Hope all goes well with your DH" . . . .

and Sandy, who said, "Happy Blogbirthday, Kim. You need a nice vacation for all this extra work. Life gets too hectic and we all need to stop and smell the roses. Good luck to your hubby with his surgery."

Arlene and Sandy, please look at the patterns in my Etsy store (you can click there through the link in my sidebar) and email me the name of your pattern choice and your mailing address. (Don't order them through Etsy--just let me know which one you want.)

Winners (and anyone else, of course!) can email me by clicking into my profile and then clicking on the email link.

Thank you all for your loyal readership over the past few years and your encouraging comments. I truly appreciate it.

[P.S.: Hubby's surgery went fine and he's home and resting.]


  1. So glad everything went well.....hoping the rest of the week is not too hectic for you. Take care...congrats to the winners! Piece....

  2. Congrats to the winners. Glad to hear that hubby is doing well.

  3. Glad the surgery went well. Congrats to the winners!

  4. Happy to hear the surgery went well. Congratulations to the winners!

  5. I am glad that the surgery went well. It can be a little scary. Congrats to the winners!!

  6. Congrats to the winners and glad hubby is doing well. Weekend is almost here, so enjoy and get some much needed rest.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!