Monday, March 7, 2011

By Golly! I Think I've Got It!

Okay, loyal blog peeps, I've come up with an idea to celebrate my fourth Birthblogday! Woo-hoo! Here's the thing though: I don't have very much time this week. And what does that mean?

Well, first of all, let's keep it kind of low key. I'm certainly not going to ask you to post it on your blog, become a follower, or otherwise advertise on my behalf. I'd rather just make this about you guys--the peeps who come back here day after day and read whatever I may have to say.

I'll just keep this open two days unless something crazy happens and I have no time to pick winners on Tuesday night. But I should. Hubby's having some fairly minor surgery on Tuesday, so I won't be working late--at least I don't think I will. Winners will be picked late Tuesday night and posted on my Wednesday blog post.

The prizes? First place is a kit to make the Bette Bunny wallhanging--it contains everything you'll need except the binding. I should also mention that the fabric for the yo-yo flowers in the kit is slightly different, but the rest is the same.

I spent some time today putting together a couple kits for my Etsy shop, and I'm setting one aside for the celebration. Second place? Well, the second place winner can either pick a Bette Bunny pattern or a Spring! pattern. If you click over to my Etsy shop HERE, you can see them both (Spring! is also in my sidebar). Or, there are a couple other patterns there, if the second place winner prefers one of those.

And if there are a lot of entries, I'll pick a third place winner who will get the same offer as the second place winner. What are a lot of entries? Well, let's say if there are over 75, okay?

And I'm not even going to make you stand on your head or tell me how much you love me. Just leave a comment. And come back and see if you've won--because I won't email you to let you know--I like to make you come back and visit again. I'm funny that way.

At the start of this post I mentioned I'm not going to have much time this week. So the other thing that means is that I might not be able to post every night like I normally do. Or I might post from work in the middle of the night to say I'd rather be chatting with you but I'm working instead. I know you'll understand. And hopefully this week will be the last crazy one for awhile. Keep your fingers crossed for me, okay? Do that right after you leave a comment so I can enter you in the giveaway. Thanks, as always, for stopping by to visit.



  1. Love your blog. I have already made several bunny quiltlets that I bought from you.

  2. Hi Kim
    I just wanted to stop in and say hi and how much I have enjoyed your posts a rule I don't enter giveaways with hoops to jump through and rule upon that you care about the regular readers! Please don't enter me...I have too many projects on the go as it is!
    Ann-Maree in Sydney

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to win! I love reading your entries. They usually make me laugh and I don't have enough laughs in my life right now so thank you again!

  4. You need to make time to relax, like having coffee with me!!! Hang in there! Hugs!!


  5. Happy BirthBlogDay! I've followed your blog for a while now, I always enjoy your posts! Always appreciate some humor in my day!

  6. Please count me in - I love Bette Bunny. Good luck to hubby for the surgery xx

  7. Love your blog and Happy Birthday. Only four years/ Seems like I have been following you forever. Maybe because you are one of the first I check each morning.

  8. Happy Birthblogday! Well I really like your blog! I usually read it when I am in my bed waiting for sleep to overcome me. (Of course, I am in Australia so this post I am reading on my Monday night.) Like right now. My husband is busy snoring alongside me and I am surfing. I will miss you this week, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

  9. Love your giveaway. I follow you with Google reader so I never miss a post. Spring needs to come faster here in my area.

  10. Hi Kim -- Happy Blogbirthday! Hope your week turns out to be less stressful than last week! Florence

  11. Happy Blogbirthday! I enjoy reading your blog to hear of your life's adventures. Hope that your job calms down so you get some quilting time.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I retired 3 years ago, and reading about your lengthy workdays last week really confirmed to me that I like retirement better! I love your blog and read whatever you write.

  13. Fingers are crossed for you.
    Good luck to Hubby.
    Happy Birthblogday.
    Take care and thanks for thinking of all of us peeps. You are very generous.

  14. Congratulations on your Fourth Birthblogday! I love reading your blog and gathering inspiration from your work. Have a wonderful day!

  15. Happy Blog-a-birthday!! I will be back to see who wins...but I would be back even if there was no prize!!

  16. Happy Blogabirthday! Thanks for hosting the giveaway. The bunny pattern is very cute!

  17. Hi, thanks for the giveaway and thats for keeping it simple and for your regular readers. I love the bunny pattern. Hugs Linda

  18. kim ... i could use some of your energy! thanks for blogging ...

  19. Happy Birthday to your Blog! I love reading it and getting inspired!
    Dorothy in IL

  20. Happy Blogabirthday to you ...Happy Blogabirthday to you...Happy Blogabirthday dear KIMMMMM....Happy Blogabirthday to me, you'd rather this than me really singing! Your recent post reminded me of my before the Prince was born (my 4 year old) the days when I would work ridiculously long hours....some of the funniest memories of my job. Thanks for your posts everyday, they brighten mine!

  21. I read your blog every time you make a new post. 4 years is a long time. Congrats.

  22. Kim, your blog is a bright spot on my day, I love to stop by and see what you've been up to! Happy blogbirthday!

  23. You and your quilts inspire me! I love stopping by and reading about your adventures! Happy Blogabirthday!

  24. Happy Birthblogday! I read your blog daily and have loved all the free tutorials. I have made so many of your projects. Love them all.

  25. Just wanted to say HI! and how much I look forward to reading your blog. Hope the working so many hours doesn't get the best of you! You need time to quilt and entertain us!

  26. Happy Birthblogday! Thanks so much for your blog...I look forward to it every morning. And, thanks so much for your giveaway!!

  27. As you know, Kim, I've had excellent luck with your giveaways, so sign me up! I start each day with you. Happy anniversary!

  28. What a fun give away. Hope your week isn't to crazy.

  29. I too start each day with you, by way of Nancy's blog list. You always get me off to a good start. Thanks for writing each day.

  30. Your blog and a hot cup of coffee is how I start my days. I have to agree with the comments that everyone before me posted. I laugh at the job and the quilting and the amount that you get done inspires me. I hope hubby does well with surgery.
    Happy Blog birthday!!!!

  31. Happy Blogbirthday and thanks for the chance at a giveaway. Sorry about your hectic work week, I am going the extra long hours thing right now too. But every birthday I have reminds me I am one year closer to retirement and sewing whenever I want. (Not getting up at 4:00am to get some sewing in) Thanks for all of your posts on your blog, they are the first thing I read in the morning and I thoroughly enjoy it.

  32. Happy Anniversary Kimmy! I've enjoyed every post over the last 4 years and I'm looking forward to many more. I've started many mornings off with a good chuckle thanks to you. :)

  33. Happy Anniversary, love your spring and bunny patterns, just too cute. Fabulous giveaway.

  34. Sandy from ThimbleberriesMarch 7, 2011 at 5:22 AM

    Good morning Kim,
    I am sorry you are having to work so much over-time, but the extra money will be fun to spend. Keep us updated on hubby's surgery. He will be in my thoughts.
    I would love to be entered in your give away. Thanks for thinking of us.

  35. Happy birthblogday!! Bette Bunny would be perfect for my Easter decorating, but then I've been thinking about Spring! I'd love to win any of your patterns. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope you get enough sleep this week!

  36. Happy 4th BirthBLOGday!!! I hope your husbands surgery goes well. Maybe your work life will calm down soon also. Did you end up with at least one good night sleep this weekend? I hope so! I check your blog every morning while my son is eating his breakfast. Love it!! Happy Day !!!! ;>

  37. Hi Kim! I read your blog every day. I own the Spring! pattern already, so the bunny kit would be a very nice addition. I'm hoping to make the Spring! wallhanging this week (at least start it!). Congratulations on your 4 years of blogging!

  38. Thanks for a chance to win and for keeping it simple. Good luck to your husband.

  39. Happy 4th BirthBlogday! We all love you even when you tell us we don't have to tell you! Hope the surgery goes well and your work days start to slow down.

  40. Happy 4th, Kim! It's hard to believe I've had morning coffee with you 1,260 times!

  41. i enjoy your blog every morning. a great way to start the day

  42. Happy Birthblogday, Kim. Thanks for all the smiles and chance.

  43. Your birthblagday and my birthday fall just days apart! Maybe you could pick me on Tuesday and I'll forgive you for mot wishing me a Happy Birhtday that day! Love your blog!

  44. Happy Special Day to you! Thank you for your generousity in sharing with us.

    Hugs - Marie

  45. Congrats on your 4th year of bloggging. I've been reading daily for about 6 months or so.

  46. I'm thinking I'd love to win one of your patterns. I've been a faithful reader for a looooong time and love what you make.

  47. Happy Blog-birthday Kim! You are my daily vitamin - keeps me smiling! Thanks for everything.

  48. Happy Birthblog Day Kim!! I ready your blog first thing every morning from Michigan. I enjoy hearing about your daily adventures and love seeing all your creative quilts you share with the quilt world. Thanks for the give a way. Diane

  49. Kim, I hope the week goes well and DH recovers quickly. I always enjoy reading what you are doing in quilting and in life. Take care of you! Happy Birthdblogday!

  50. Just want to let you know that I read, and enjoy reading it, every morning with my cup of tea. Thanks for some good reading!!

  51. I am always amazed that you manage to post everyday and certainly will not be surprised if you miss a few days during a busy work week. I would love to win a kit but I know that luck never seems to come my way but I do want to tell you I enjoy your blog.

  52. Cute patterns! Congrats again on your Birthdaybloganniversary thing. :-)

  53. Happy Blogbirthday! I've been enjoying your blog for some time now. Hope this week is less stressful than last! Dori

  54. Love your blog, it is the first one I always read.

    I made your shamrock wall hanging; it is almost finished. I will send you a picture when it is done.


  55. I look forward to reading your posts regularly. You are an interesting individual and a prolific quilter! Thanks for sharing.

  56. I check your blog EVERY day :D and have enjoyed 'visiting' with you just about every day for the last couple of years. :) I would love love love to win one of your kits, girl! :D

  57. Happy birthblogday! It's amazing how quickly times goes by, isn't it? The bunny is adorable - thanks for the giveaway. All the best with Hubby's surgery tomorrow.....hope this week eases up a bit at work. Piece.....

  58. O,K, just in case, I am standing on my head and telling you how much I love you------rubbing my tummy and hopping on one foot also. Hope all goes well with hubby.

  59. Kim,
    I get an immense kick out of reading about your adventures. Hope all goes well with your DH.

  60. Hang on, the end of the week will come! And yes, you will survive! I have faith in you. I'd love to win something of yours. Cathy T.

  61. You are a joy to read, never know what you are up to from day to day.

  62. I love to read your blog. I always get such a kick out of and so much encouragement.

  63. How do you do those hours? I'd be falling asleep on my desk, I'm afraid. Thanks for making my mornings before work more pleasurable as we have our morning "visit". You kick me in gear and get me going. Carline

  64. Wow Kim! Can't believe it's been 4 years! I faithfully read your blog every other day - always uplifting. Hope hubby's surgery goes well and your boss has a gem of an employee in you! I would be honored to win one of your personal patterns.
    Beth C.
    Birmingham, AL
    previous QH member

  65. I am a fairly new follower - love your patterns, would be great to win one!

  66. I hope this week is less hectic for you! Thanks for the giveaway, and happy fourth birthblogday!

  67. Oh Darn, no standing on my head?How about a cartwheel? I enjoy reading your blog, and you are allowed to take off a day or two every now and then. Just so you come back!

  68. You had a crazy long week so here's hopping this one is much calmer & all goes well with hubbies procedure.
    Toss my name in the hat for the cool bunny kit or pattern.
    Spring feels like it is just around the corner & looks like it over here, daffadils everywhere southern in Sonoma county.

  69. Hi, Love your blog, read it everyday. Happy Birthblogday!

  70. I have been following for some time now... love your blog for inspiration! The bunny kit is very sweet - we raised rabbits when I was a child, so I love bunnies dearly! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!

  71. A very merry birthblogday to you!

  72. Happy Birthblogday! I will definately keep my fingers and toes crossed for a less hectic week for you!

  73. Love your blog! I seem to have become addicted to blog reading. Love the pictures you post. Thanks for the chance to win!

  74. Congratulations on Four Years of blogging!! Really enjoy reading your adventures each day.
    Don't work too hard this week!

  75. Love your blog. Read it every day.

    Thanks for the chance to win.


  76. I just love your blog! Congratulations on four years of blogging. Hope all goes well with hubby. Thanks for the chance to win the kit. What a cute bunny!


  77. Happy Birthblogday! I have been reading you daily for over 2 years read and always interesting.

  78. Congratulations! I love your blog and look forward to your posts. Hope this week of work is not as intense as last week's.

  79. Happy blog birthday. 4 years already. I have been enjoying reading your blog but only started about a year ago. Having a lot of fun reading your posts. Good luck to Hubby with his surgery.
    Love your bunny pattern.

  80. Wow..where did the blog years go? I've enjoyed reading yours for quite some time...a lovely way to start my day with my cup of tea. Congrats...and thanks for making a positive difference...and thanks for the chance to win one of your great gifts. Zel M.

  81. I don't enter a lot of giveaways either because I can never remember to go back and check if I've won. It will not be a problem with your giveaway, because I check you faithfully every morning first thing. Hope your week is not too stressful!

    Marilyn (no blog -

  82. Thanks for your giveaway and hope you have a great week!

  83. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Don't work too hard - just reading about your week last week exhausted me!

  84. It looks like you have more followers than you thought. 83 posts already. Hope your hubby has a speedy recovery and that all goes well.
    Thanks for thinking of us all at this time,


  85. Happy 4th Birthblogday, and looking forward to many more years of your quilting adventures.

  86. Congratulations on 4 years! That's an eternity in blogland. PS: I will soon have 5 UFOs finished and ready to report.

  87. Kim, I enjoy your blog. It is the first Blog I look at in the morning. I have a feeling if we were neighbor's we would get in a lot of trouble together. Thank you for the Smiles and giggle's...

  88. Happy Blogbirthday ,Kim. You need a nice vacation for all this extra work. Life gets too hectic and we all need to stop and smell the roses. Good luck to your hubby with his surgery.

  89. I would love to win Bette bunny! Either the kit or pattern would be great! Happy four years; I really enjoy your blog.

  90. Happy blog birthday!!! Four years is a long time to be blogging ... and doing such a great job of it. I enjoy reading your blog.

  91. Congratulations on your blogabirthday!! Love coming back and visiting every days!

  92. Happy Blogbirthday! Your blog is the first one I read every day. I'm late today as I had to go sub at school all day.
    I don't know how you get so much done, but I'm so glad you share with us. Don't work yourself too hard this week, okay?

  93. Happy 4th Blogbirthday! :) I read your blog every day...and I'm always inspired by the creations you come up with. :) Hope this week turns out well for you after all. God bless!!

  94. Hi Kim - really enjoy your blog and your projects. Your life is even busier than mine! I'm a subscriber but not a follower - don't know how to do that yet. Would love to celebrate your blog anniversary with you.

  95. I love visiting your blog and seeing your take on patterns and designs! You inspire me to step outside of the lines sometimes. ;-) Hope hubby's procedure goes well tomorrow and thank you for the chance!

  96. Happy blog birthday - I have your blog on Google reader so never miss a smile from reading your blog:) Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. I hope you get some time to relax. Please include me! :)

  98. I always enjoy your blog. Hope you don't have to work too hard this week!

  99. I love reading your blog everyday. Your very entertaining no matter what the subject of the day is.
    You also enspire me to get off my butt and sew!! The long hours you work and all you do make me wonder what I do with all my

  100. I enjoy reading your blog every day - thanks for writing nearly every day! I find you're so fun to listen to and I really envy how much work you do. Thank you

  101. I love coming to visit every day. Happy blogiversary!
    Lurking Linda
    p.s. oooh, my word is pokedy--that's cause I'm so pokey slow at quilting these days--too much winter!

  102. I check your blog every day, and appreciate your dedication. I'll forgive you if you need to take a day off every now and then! And, yes, you are way over 75 comments already.

  103. Congrats on your blogiversary! I really enjoy your blog so much! I hope hubby's surgery goes well. I also hope you get some sleep! Nothing worse than not being able to sleep when you are tired!! Thanks for the giveaway too. Your faithful follower!!

  104. Congrats on four years!! I read your blog every day. Your are in my favorites! Thanks for your dedication!

  105. What a fun "birthday". I'd love to win! Here's to many more great posts.

  106. Happy Blogaversary! I truly love your blog. It is inspirational and fun! THANK YOU for sharing with lil' ol' me! You are appreciated.

  107. Happy 4 years ! I have so enjoyed your adventures, and looking forward to many more

  108. I read your blog every day but have never won any thing! Maybe this time????

  109. I started following you blog last month and I really enjoy it. Yours is the first blog I check everyday. Keep 'em coming!

  110. every time I think I have done enough I read your musings and then need to go do more....amazing to watch the projects get changed and improved and tweaked to tweak some of my own
    Bonnie in Va

  111. Happy Blogbirthday Kim! I read your column every day. Hope your Hubby comes thru well on his surgery.

    Clare in Vail, AZ

  112. Wow 4 years! Congrats on your Blogbirthday! I do hope your hubby does well with his surgery. And thanks for keeping things light in blogland :-)

  113. Congrats on your blogbirthday! May there be many more.

  114. I love easy give aways. Thank you for the cute pattern choices. I love your blag and have a lot of fun reading your posts.

  115. Kim, this is a great opportunity to let you know how much I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years! You have been such an inspiration and also one of the reasons I ever started blogging! So, happy blogiverary to you! I'm so glad that you are a bloggy-friend.

  116. Hey Kim, happy birthblogday! I really enjoy your blog and have been reading since the beginning. Winona


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!