Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Such a Dull Girl!

You know what they say about all work and no play, right? Well, that seems to have been written about me. My boss is still in trial (but hopefully will finish tomorrow) and I've continued to work a fair bit of overtime when I'm not suffering from stomach flu or spending the weekend at home. (I don't mind staying late on week nights, but I find I really, really need my weekends off to unwind.)

And I've been singularly unproductive during what would normally be my "play time." I know you've seen some of the symptoms--like my being stuck and unable to decide where to go next on the applique quilt. I also have a small vintage-image transfer panel with an Easter theme, and I've been struggling to come up with a pieced border idea for that to no avail. Quilter's block, I guess you could say, but not in a good way.

Now I'm not complaining, exactly--it's more that I want to explain why I don't have much in the way of inspiration to pass on to you right now.

I know that sometimes I go through periods where I want to spend more time reading than sewing, and it may be that I've cycled into one of those times now. Then there's that stomach bug I had last week--who in their right mind feels very creative amid nausea and stomach cramps?

I thought I might be a little more inspired to create on Sunday. I spent a good deal of time over the weekend grocery shopping and cooking meals ahead of time, and I thought once I'd finished that, I'd be able to retire to the Sweat Shop for some quality quilty time, but it didn't turn out that way.

The last cooking endeavor of the day was frying up a batch of egg rolls--my family loves them, I wanted to use up some leftover cabbage, and I've been experimenting off and on the last several months, trying to recreate the egg rolls (lumpia) that a Filipino woman I work with makes. I've almost gotten the filling down; next I need to figure out how she makes the wrappers. Anyway, as I was lifting egg roll number five out of the hot oil with a slotted spoon, it rolled back off and into the pan, splattering hot oil all over my left hand. Ouch! (You're right: That's not really what I said at the time.)

Soooooooooo . . . I didn't much feel like sewing after that.

I didn't exactly go to the doctor for my burned hand, although I DID just happen to have an Ob/Gyn appointment on Monday morning, so I waved my hand in front of the doctor while I was there. I suspect she's more used to rug burns than hot oil burns, but she took a quick look and advised me to cover the burn on my thumb--the one bearing a blister that rivals the size of the thumb itself--with a dressing. Now I look a bit like Little Jack Horner except MY thumb is white and not plum.

Anyway, with the luck I've had lately, reading seems a bit safer, even if it does make me a little dull. I'll try to think of something more exciting to entertain you with, but it will need to be something I can do while wearing a helmet and protective padding, because I don't think I can stand any more physical insults right now. In fact, I think it's time for Tylenol, tea, a book, and my bed.


  1. I'm sorry you are having a rough time creatively, I sort of am, also. But enought about that--what are you reading?

  2. I am reading a lot lately too. Don't know why. I just am. What are you reading? I've been reading Ruth Rendell.

  3. Hope your burns heal quickly. I can't help you if you are looking for homemade wrappers but at our local seafood markets they sell packages of lumpia wrappers. I would send you some but they have to be refigerated

  4. Goodness. I hope you start feeling better soon.

  5. Hope life's road gets a bit smoother for you soon. You have had a rough month, ouch! Spring has come in like a lion for you, maybe April will be as a lamb.

  6. Yeooow!! I think I might have uttered a few choice words myself!! I sure hope you are feeling better soon...more like you!

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon! Your comment about rug burns just cracked me up;)Hope it heals quickly!!! OUCH!

  8. I think we all go through periods of time, where our quilting passion takes a back seat, while we work on other things. With the Spring weather on the way, they'll be lots to do in the yard etc and when we work full time, there are only so many hours in the day. I do get a little down in the dumps when I can't sew like I want to, but I guess it's make sewing more special when I have to work it into the schedule. Thanks for your delightful and funny blog, you make my day more than you'll ever know.

  9. Oh how I feel for you! I haven't had much desire to sew either. I was on a roll until I burned myself as well. A very bad second degree burn in the inside of my left forearm. I guess my bread pan had a mind of it's own and decided to jump out of the potholder and do a little dance on my arm instead! That was over 3 weeks ago and it is just now getting to the stage where it doesn't hurt anymore. Will definitely leave a scar though. Oh well. Hopefully we will both get our mojo back soon!

  10. I don't think "dull" would ever describe you!

  11. I wish I could have given you a great treatment for burns earlier! A nucrse treated me one time using this method and I have had to use it time and time again. Egg whites. Coat your burn area, let dry, repeat, repeat and repeat. It takes the sting out and prevents the blistering and scaring. Maybe some sunshine will be with us soon and you will feel more inspired to create!

  12. Oh, lumpia is THE BEST!!! My sister married into a filipino family, so I get some every once in awhile! It's one of my favorite foods. The wrappers are rice wrappers. Once you make the filling and roll them up, freeze them. They fry up better after they've been frozen than frying them fresh (from what I remember). Have you ever tried ponsit (sp?)? It's also a filipino food. It's a rice noodle (I think) with veggies mixed in, kinda like chow mein, but better. Eat it with lumpia, and yummm.... now I'm salivating!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!