Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Spark!

Rather unexpectedly, our trial did not finish today, but court won't reconvene until next week, so my late-night assistance wasn't required tonight--yay! Instead, I was able to enjoy a dinner out with Hubby and friends at the Cheesecake Factory--do you have one in your area? We've only eaten there a couple times and it's awfully noisy inside, but the food is pretty good, and we managed to be seated in a section that was a little quieter--accoustics or something, I suppose. But really, no matter where you go or what you eat, spending time with people you care about is the best, isn't it?

After dinner, I had to stop by the grocery store, where I came across this--

Have you seen it yet? Now that I'm familiar with so many designers in Blogland, I find I pay more attention to who designs quilt projects for magazines than I used to, and I suspect many of you do too. And, of course, there were a few familiar names in this one. But the best thing was that in looking through the magazine, I felt a flicker of excitement that nearly--oh so nearly--spurred me on and into the Sweat Shop. Not quite, though, and I'll tell you why.

First, I looked at the clock and it was just past 9:30 p.m. That seemed a bit late to wander into the Sweat Shop and start something. I knew I'd probably just sit in there and look around and do nothing productive--because that's pretty much what I've done the last couple times I've gone in there. I need more time. Hopefully tomorrow night will be a good time to sew.

But the other reason I didn't head into the Sweat Shop was that I just felt like being lazy and reading this evening. When I mentioned reading yesterday, there were a couple comments asking what I was reading. Well, I'm reading one of the series of Kate Shugak books by Dana Stabenow, Whisper to the Blood. The series takes place in Alaska and the stories are somewhat suspenseful mysteries. The unusual thing about Dana Stabenow is that she's not afraid to kill off characters you wouldn't expect, so the books are anything but predictable.

Last week I read the new Jennifer Chiaverini book, The Union Quilters. My friend Julie-Julia was reading it around the same time, and we talked just a bit about it while we were reading. Both of us found the book a little bit slow. I love all the Elm Creek Quilters books and this one is no exception, but I didn't find myself caring much about these characters for some reason; in fact, I kept getting a little confused about who was who and what their relationships were to the others. The book just didn't seem to grab my attention quite as much as the previous books, but maybe that was just me. Have you read it yet? What did you think?

I like to buy a lot of my books used through Amazon, and I indulged in a little book-buying spree a month or so ago, so I have lots and lots of promising books to read. I'm sure I'll regain my balance, though, between quilting and reading before too long. In the meantime, I think I'll go take a bath and then head to bed with the Kate Shugak book. What have you read lately?


  1. That looks like a great magazine! I bought a lot of books with my Christmas money, so I'll have to get busy trying patterns from them!

  2. not much reading going on here Kim. I am trying to make things for my daughters new home and between work and maintaining my flower beds, not much time for much more.

  3. I'm on the waitlist at the libary for The Union Quilters; in the meantime I'm reading Ree Drummond's "From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels." Have you read that? I love how she writes. Very entertaining!

  4. At the moment, I'm listening to both Joann Fluke and Diane Mott Davidson. Murder mysteries around food. Right up my alley. I haven't read Union Quilters yet. I'm waiting for it to be available in audio form from the library. I hope you get your sewing mojo back soon. I am now on the hunt for the Precuts magazine.

  5. I read The Union Quilters too, and didn't like it as much as her others. I finished it, just so I could say I'd read all her books, if I didn't want to read them all, then I probably would have quit after the first few chapters.

  6. I know what you mean about the creativity slump - had a little one myself recently. I kind of jump started again by doing some little projects - a mug rug, a bag - stuff like that. Sometimes instant gratification is just the thing. I just finished reading (last night, in fact) The Help. It was terrific! I truly, truly enjoyed it. It was heart-wrenching, informative and funny - and featured a lot of amazing women! Hoping you get some uninterrupted sewing time soon....have a good day. Piece...

  7. several months ago I started listening to a series by Patricia Cornwell. The main character is Kay scarpeta, a coroner. I have not read novels for years except when i'm too sick to do anything else. I really enjoy listening to books because i can still do other things...that aren't too noisy. I download them free from the library. The only problem, they don't have the complete series. Last weekend they had a used book sale and I bought the rest of the series. Now to sit still long enough to read them!

  8. i'm reading Inkheart ... yeah, i know it's a kids' book, but i LIKE reading kids' books (don't EVEN get me started on Harry Potter)

    and i'm reading Shinin' Times at The Fort ... yeah, it's a cookbook, but i LIKE reading cookbooks (cooking, not so much)

    next up is Inkspell and The Wookie Cookie Book

  9. Wow this magazine looks like a winner. Glad that you were able to enjoy some time with friends. We have been to the Cheesecake Factory a couple of times. The food is awesome. Not to mention the Cheesecakes!!

  10. I am finding Union Quilters to be a bit slow also. Usually once I start one of her books, I can't put it down. Haven't picked this one back up since Tuesday.

  11. Love Cheesecake Factory~ yummy food!

    I just finished reading the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Wonderful book!

    Sandy A

  12. I usually order the small portion of the Orange Chicken at the Cheesecake Factory and then get the low-fat cheesecake. An oxi-moron, but so delicious!

    I just finished Black Heels to Tractor Wheels via audio books and loved it. I'll have to look up your author and try her out.

  13. How funny, I just bought the same magazine today. Haven't had time to look at it though. I'm busy getting ready for a 3 day quilt retreat and can't decide which of my many UFO's to

  14. Mmmm... Cheesecake Factory!! A very great friend of mine is a Mangager at a CF in the Chicago area!! Cheesecake is my weakness and it is a very good thing she lives 3 hours away!! Whenever she comes to visit I am blessed with a yummy nummy cheesecake. And the unfortunate thing about this blog it after I read the word CHEESECAKE I had a hard time concentrating on the rest of it!! LOL

  15. Union Quilters-I also found it slow & some of the players confusing to keep straight. I did not finish it.


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