Friday, March 25, 2011


Remember I showed you where I was on this quilt the other day . . .

. . . and I asked for some suggestions? Well I want to thank you for coming up with some great ideas! The idea that was the most unusual to me was Paula the Quilter's link to a Pam Bono design of a floral chain border. I found I was able to buy the pattern for the border as a download, so it was quick, easy, and fairly inexpensive to try out. I'm still not sure that's what I'll do in the end, but I thought I'd start out by making enough pieces for one border side and see how it will look.

Tonight I resized the pattern ("as is," the blocks were 10" long and I thought the proportions were too large for my smaller quilt), cut some pieces, and made the first block. Remember what you see isn't quite what it will look like once it's pieced together--those pointy petals will be more rounded like the side ones are, for instance, because the points will be in the seam allowance.

I thought that if I decided I didn't like it after I've made a side, at least you've given me several other suggestions to fall back on. I don't know yet what might come next if it turns out looking good. I thought I might either add a larger simple border to finish it off--I have a couple floral prints that would work nicely--or I might add some (empty!) pieced baskets--or maybe a combination of both with baskets just in the corners

Our willingness to offer suggestions and help one another is one of the things I like most about blogging. Thanks!


  1. I'm glad you are trying it! Pam used to live in Colorado but has moved to the east coast to be nearer family.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i have GOT to stop publishing before i edit...

    if it hadn't been for Pam Bono's nifty blocks, Mr. Husker's quilt would have had neither corn nor cows (unless i had figured them out on my own - not likely, eh?) ... moo.

  4. What a fabulous border design! Love it!

  5. That will look great. I think it's perfect. What a fun border eliment.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!