Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Did I Mention . . .

Tonight was the monthly meeting of our embroidery club/class, and since Bearpaws & Hollyhocks closed, Gran--the teacher--has been holding the meetings at her home. Well, I think I told you the story of last month's meeting . . . remember when Gran lured me into shutting my keys in the car and I had to call AAA? Tonight went better.

To tell you the truth, I haven't worked on my little embroidery project between last month's class and this month's class, but I've pulled it out again and maybe I'll work on it a little more. It's a little Easter Bunny themed design--

Kind of cute, isn't it? Well, here's a little tip I meant to pass on to you and forgot about. In fact, I wanted to tell the whole class last month but Gran had turned everyone away before I got there.

Remember back in the '80s when all of us crafty folks were transferring designs onto T-shirts and sweat shirts and painting them with fabric paint? Yep, I did that. My poor kids had to wear a lot of dorky T-shirts because of that fad!

A couple months ago, I was at the thrift store and came across one of those transfer books and thought it might have some good embroidery patterns. And yes, there are a lot of dorky images in the book that I'd never use, but there are some nice images too--not bad for $1.50!

The bunny pattern came from the book. Sweet, eh?!

I also don't think I've mentioned that a new quilt shop is opening in Sacramento. Well, I've told a few of you, but not everyone. Guess what? My friend Gran is one of the owners, so we're sure to have a nice supply of embroidery goodies. I'll tell you more as they get closer to opening--which should be in about a month or so.

How's the 11 in '11 challenge going? I occasionally hear from some of you about the projects you've completed, but I didn't really have a way of letting everyone else know who's been doing what, so I thought the best way to share would be to start a Flickr pool where everyone can post photos of their projects. Please join the Flickr group and show us what you've been doing. And please feel free to visit the group even if you're not committed to 11 in '11--because you might find some ideas and inspirations there. You can also leave comments on the photos if something catches your eye or you have a compliment or a question. I've put a slide show in my sidebar--just click on it and it will take you to the group page.

I guess that's all for tonight. It seems like I had something else I wanted to say but I can't remember what it was. Of course, I'll let you know if I remember. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Kim! My first 3 quilts for 11 in 11 are about to be delivered, so I'll be posting pics next week when I get home! Hoping to get back to #4, 5, and 6 after that. They are all started and in various stages of completion. Have a great day!

  2. I finished pieceing my pinwheel top!! I would post in the flickr pool but I don't see the link...

  3. Loving the fact that you are getting a new quilt shop. Have their new website in my favorites already. I hope all goes well with this shop, it's a lot of work!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!