Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Whistle Ran Out a Couple Hours Ago

I'm writing this from work to post a bit later. It's 9:30-ish. Last night I worked until 8-ish. This week, we're working on another one of those crazy projects that has to be out the door on Friday, so--to use yet another really trite expression--we're burning the candle at both ends. (The idea of working on a computer while talking about using candles for illumination is kind of amusing. Or maybe I'm just tired.)

So I have nothing much to chat with you about tonight. Tomorrow night . . . maybe nothing then either since that will be crunch time, but we'll see. Sometimes I get SOOOOOO tired, I get pretty funny; maybe my loss will be your gain. In any event, thanks for checking in on me. And if you stop by and see me sleeping with my face planted in my keyboard, wake me up, okay? I've got work to do.

P.S.: What did I miss on Survivor?


  1. Do you need me to do a Starbuck's run for you tomorrow - well today ...

  2. ohhh, I hate to tell you but you missed a great survior (at least I thought it was a good one and should get "interesting!" Don't want to be the "spoiler" here. Find someone who taped it if you can!

  3. You definitely missed a great episode! If you didn't DVR it, check and see if they have it up for viewing. It was a good one! Good luck getting through this, the week is almost over!

  4. Sometimes work (job) just gets in the way of your fun! Hang in there, next week will be better.

  5. I miss you when you don't post, but am willing to wait for your next witty story :o) Breathe deep...until you pass out and they'll let you go home! Ha

  6. Kim, Hey Kim, wake up. You can go home and go to bed now. Get some rest, it's almost Friday.

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