Friday, March 4, 2011

Yep, Still at Work

It's after midnight. If I was sleeping instead of working, I'm absolutely positive I'd be dreaming of all the fabric I'm going to buy with my overtime pay. I'll be back tomorrow with a bit more time to chat. See you then!


  1. Oh my Goodness, not that I have an over abundance of goodness to "oh my". They sure are lucky to have you. I'd be so incoherent by now it would do them more harm to have me there.
    Hope you're able to sleep in after this big rush. You'll need a lots of rest and a clear head for all that fabric shopping!

  2. Hope you finished out the project and got today off -- so you CAN sleep! Then you'll be refreshed for your Friday Night Sew-In. Have a great weekend! Florence

  3. HOpe you get some time off to sleep (and shop) soon!

  4. I hope you get the weekend to rest. I used to work late hours sometimes. Not fun.

  5. Well if misery loves company I am here for you. I was up all night last night. As in I never went to sleep so I could finish my daughters dress to wear to school today. She was supposed to dress up like a character from her favorite book and she chose Kirsten from the American Girl books. Since I just found out about it Wednesday I had to come up with something in literally a day. So I spent 14 hours straight cutting and sewing but it turned out really cute and she loved it and had a blast. So to get to my point, I feel ya!


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