Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hey, Here's an Idea!

I don't know if you noticed, but I started a list in my sidebar of people who want to participate in my 11 in '11 challenge with links to their blogs. A couple of participants don't actually HAVE blogs but they do have profiles, so I've linked to their profiles in the list. Would anyone else like to join? Just let me know and I'll add you.

I've had some questions about what counts toward the goal of 11 projects and I've answered some of you individually, but if you've wondered and haven't asked, here's pretty much what I've said: It's whatever YOU think counts. I'm not the quilt police. All of us have different levels of experience, different needs, different budgets, different interests, and differing amounts of time to devote to the craft. So challenge yourself--and make it something you CAN accomplish if you put some effort into it, just as long as you don't make it too easy. Think about what your biggest stumbling block is when it comes to quilting and incorporate THAT into your challenge. For me, I have a tendency to finish quilt tops and set them aside without quilting them. I also have some UFOs with applique that aren't all that far from being done and then quilted. These are the kinds of things that will be a challenge for me to work on this year. What do you find is your own challenging area or task when it comes to quilting?

Another idea is to pick a couple things you've WANTED to do but haven't so far. Maybe you've always wanted to hand quilt something but haven't had the time. How about making one of your challenges a hand quilted project? Or try a new technique and carry it through to completion. Or maybe you want to make a quilt for a special person or occasion. Only you know what kind of challenge is right for you. Make a list now if you work best that way or simply have a few projects in mind and be flexible enough to add to it as the year progresses--whatever works best to keep you on task. And most of all, remember: it isn't supposed to be a chore!

I'd like to also encourage you, if you're participating, to post comments on my blog from time to time, letting us know you've completed one of your challenge projects so we can visit you and see what you've done. You could set up photos in your sidebar showing your progress as I have. Or set up a Flickr account for photos of your projects and link to it in your sidebar.

As I said earlier, a couple of participants don't have blogs, so I've linked to their profiles, but please let me know if you have a Flickr account (or anything similar) for photos and I'll change the link to your Flickr account. Or consider starting a blog--it doesn't have to take a great deal of time and effort, and you don't have to write regularly; just upload photos of your completed projects with descriptions so we can see what you've done. (Blogger is very simple to set up and has templates you can use for your blog format.) It's a great way to track your progress through the year.

And for those of you who don't want to make the commitment for whatever reason? Well, the rest of us are sticking our tongues out at you. That's quite alright, but please enjoy looking at what the rest of us are doing and cheer us on--I know you will!

And as always, whether you participate in the challenge or not, I'm glad you stopped in for a visit.


  1. I'd like to be added to the list - I've sent you two projects so far....I don't have a blog. Let me know if you need any more info from me. Thanks for doing this.....piece. Jean

  2. I think I could do this, so count me in. I consider a done quilt a quilt top, most of the time. I am trying to make as many tops as I can so that after my last child gets through college and out on her own, I can justify buying myself a longarm machine. I have a couple of women I go to when I need a quilt quilted and finished, but I'd rather teach myself how to do it, and I will someday!

  3. I'm a bit behind on my picture taking, so I will post pics and links when I get them done. Probably towards the middle of March, when life calms down here, at least for a few weeks until the next thing starts!

  4. Well I don't have a blog, nor a profile... but I did complete a quilt that was probably about 12 years old, with some pretty sophisticated applique - finally changed the whole feel of it and did wool. I'm pleased with result. Now I'm working from stash as the price of fabric is sky-rocketing!!!

  5. I don't have a blog or a profile, but I do want to say that I have done more quilting in the last year then I have in a long, long time. It's all because I started following some quilting blogs and the ideas and encouragement from these sites has really inspired me. I have done several "mini" versions of projects I have seen on-line and they have been really successful. Thanks

  6. Well, I don't know if I can commit to 11 in 11 BUT I did go back to my pinwheel sampler that I started last year, around this time actually and made 6 new blocks for it so far. That is my goal. To get that done. This year.

  7. I'd love to join in, although my projects will probably be smaller than most. My time is limited and I like to see things to the finish. As Donna said, the quilting blogs I've been reading inspire me! I'll send pics and links this weekend if not before.

  8. Hi Kim
    I clicked on my name and it went to Web page not able to display. Here is my blog address:
    I have put 11 in 11 on my side bar! So far I have 2 done and a 3rd needs binding :)
    Love your quilt you finished the other day it is awesome!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!