Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Next Up: St. Patrick's Day

I've decided which quilt will be my third of eleven for 2011--

All things considered, it might not seem like much of a challenge, but here's the thing. Or actually, here are TWO things: (1) quilt number two was an awfully BIG project with "accessory projects" so I feel justified picking a smaller quilt for my third selection, and (2) even more importantly, apparently it IS a challenge for me because I've had it in my "waiting to be quilted" basket for two years. You see, I made this quilt top two years ago as a free pattern/tutorial for my blog readers. You can click the link in my sidebar if you'd like to make one, but you should be aware--because I get questions a lot--that this was a multi-part blog post and the last part will be the first section you'll see--you need to scroll down to get to the first part and work your way back up. That's just the way Blogger sorts it if I use tags for searching and posting links.

And, by the way, you COULD just make a small shamrock quilt with four shamrocks and borders, and you don't even have to get all fancy with a ribbon border like I did. You can just keep it simple. In fact, you COULD make SINGLE shamrock blocks and then use them to make potholders for all your friends so they can protect their hands from being burned when they make corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. So there you go--make some shamrocks.

In the meantime, I'll be quilting mine.


  1. I see you and I are both up very late :-)!!! I LOVE that shamrock quilt!

  2. Lovely quilt Kim. I like the scenery fabric around the border. Can't believe you left it for two years. Though I suppose someone who has only been making quilts for 5 months can't really comment:)

  3. Kim this is a beautiful quilt. You will definetly enjoy it.

  4. Love the quilt and quilting. Is there a tutorial as stated in the side bar?
    I make smaller quilts but hope to do at least one a month. I have done three or four so far. Another goal is NOT to buy stash! I love to buy fabric, but this year I have to have a reason--thus use my stash. It is only month three and so far, I have not bought stash.
    Nancy in IN

  5. I love the way the leaves look. But where's the four leaf clover?

  6. Your clover pattern is a good one, I made it a couple of years ago. Now I'm wondering where I put it, I better look for it and put it on dislay for March.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!