Monday, February 28, 2011

Two Down

Okay, I can finally show you my second quilt of the eleven I plan to finish in 2011--I've been calling this the Back Home Again/Ellery quilt (pattern name/fabric line) for lack of a better name but I'm going to have to come up with something that actually fits. The shades/colors remind me of sherbet. Any suggestions?

This isn't a great photo. The original photo file was sharper but too large so I had to adjust it down a bit. Oh, well. You can kind of see there on the side that I added the white eyelet lace around the edge. You can also kind of see in this photo and the next one the pillow covers I made, but they're on the back pillows, so you can only see the tops of them. I also covered the panels on the wall.

Funny story: The panels are foam core board at their base and are attached to the wall with Velcro. I had only completed the middle one and put it up last night before we went to bed. As Hubby and I were starting to drift off to sleep, we heard the unmistakable sound of Velcro separating. The light came back on, and sure enough--the panel was half off the wall. I resecured it, but I don't think either of us got a very sound sleep, wondering whether we'd be hit on the head in the middle of the night by a falling fabric panel!

This evening (as I watched Amazing Race and the Academy Awards), I pieced a throw pillow cover to match. Can you tell the cats like the new quilt?

When they're cluttering up an area like this, I call it "kitty litter." It's time, now, to go nudge them aside, because it's MY turn to enjoy the new quilt!


  1. Fab finish! Love the panels on the wall.....great idea! I could probably wall-fabric the entire house with my stash...LOL

  2. Beautiful quilt Kim. The colours are very pretty together. I can see the quilting and it really adds character.

  3. Looks perfect for my house! Maybe you could title it "my summer garden". It certainly exudes a breath of summer air! Great job.

  4. What a sweet quilt----kitties certainly like it.

  5. It's gorgeous, Kim! Love the throw pillow too, and the idea of fabric-covered foam board as headboards. I had to laugh picturing the two of you being thumped on the head in the middle of the night. :D

  6. Gorgeous! Your room looks great, love the accessories you made too. I see the kitties are giving the quilt a thorough testing. LOL

  7. Your kitties have great taste - they know a fabulous quilt when they see one! Luscious colors and I love your fabric panels.

  8. Looks very inviting, that's why the cats are all over it! Beautiful!

  9. i love the quilting that you did on this lovely, spring quilt - how 'bout Spring Forward? (the opposite of "back" AND it would remind you to move your clocks ahead on our FAVORITE day of the year 0 ha ha ha!!!)

    word verification is bedif ... bed, if only ... or be dif(ferent)

  10. It came out gorgeous Kim, very girly and romantic. I see the kitties love it. They look like they are out for the count!

  11. Great finish! Even with the kitty litter!

  12. I think it turned out so beautiful. I love all the colors and blocks. Thank you for sharing. I bet it feels good to have it finished.

  13. How about Sweet and Sumptuous - I love the quilt Kim- it does look like spring and the colors are so yummy looking.
    I love your other decorative touches even if you do have to watch out for the falling panels-VBG They do look terrific.
    Happy quilting.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!