Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pincushion Ramble

It seems my Chinese pincushion revived memories for some of you who had a relative with a similar pincushion or, in some instances, you had one yourself that was old and nearly falling apart. The comments that were left on yesterday's post started me thinking today about pincushions.

I rounded up all my pincushions and took a photo. The big on on the bottom right was made by Darlene at Quilting Daze, and the brown wool one with an image of a black Featherweight was made by my stitchery friend, Imelda. The hat in the front with a yo-yo flower on the brim was made by a friend who belongs to the same Yahoo group I do--several of us got together at a retreat in Utah and she made everyone a pincushion. I used her idea later and made some for students in one of my quilting classes, and then I modified the pattern a bit more to make the witch's hat pincushion--I made a bunch of them for quilting students in one of my Halloween quilt classes.

The one in the center bottom, made with tiny flying geese, was made for me by an online friend in that same Yahoo group I mentioned, and the one with the cherry fabric was one I made--again I made several and gave them to my quilting students. One of my favorites is the Mary Engelbreit chair--I found that one in a thrift store. Isn't it funny how each of our pincushions reminds us of something--a friend or event?

I can't think about pincushions without thinking about Mar. Mar had a blog called Pincushion Diaries. Each year she attended Alex Anderson's retreat and made pincushions for everyone. You can click on the link above to see some of the pincushions she made one year--there's a photo of them in her blog header. If I remember correctly, it wasn't long after the 2008 retreat that Mar became suddenly and horribly ill and passed away after a long hospital stay. I know the blog world--those of us who have been around for several years and "knew" her--still think of her from time to time. I wonder if any of you reading this have a "Mar pincushion"?

The pincushion below is the one I probably use most. It's small and easy to pack up to take with me for classes and stitchery get togethers and it's also probably the first handmade pincushion I owned.

Oddly enough, despite all of my pincushions, most of my pins are in the little plastic box they came in. And I seriously need to buy more pins--but first, I'll need to find some I like. My favorites are long and skinny. I'll need a lot to fill all those pincushions!

How about you? Do you have a favorite pincushion with a story to tell about it?


  1. I was in a pincushion swap a few years back and when my parcel arrived I couldn't believe it. I was expecting a little package with a pincushion but instead I got a huge box. It did contain a pincushion but SO much more besides. A charm pack, patterns, a lovely kit for a blackbird baked in a pie pincushion and the piece de resistance / a wonderful sewing themed armchair caddy. It is hand embroidered and absolutely beautiful and is one of my prized possessions. Of course it came from Mar and I love it. Not long after she passed away but I was glad to have that short time to get to know her - what a lovely lady xx

  2. No pincushions here. However a group I belong too is in the process of a pin cushion swap. So, I am creating one for someone else. I am thinking it will be a tuffet.

  3. I love your collection of pincushions! Now I feel like starting a collection too! I remember Mar. I have a little purple gizmo she got for me that is to unclog the applicator on bottles of Roxanne glue. I just remembered that right now. She was a very nice lady indeed.

  4. I never met Mar in person, but knew her online for many years. We were in several swaps together. I won some blocks she donated to our onling groups retreat giveaway. I cherish the wallhanging I made using them. She was a neat lady and I miss ere.
    I have several pincushions from friends, but none of her's. Thanks for the memories!

  5. I have made several pincushions - some pieced and some wool applique. I make these when I want a project but not in the mood to start a quilt or even when I have several quilts in the works. These little things satisfy my need to start and complete something!!! I put them in a large wooden bowl and enjoy, plus use them!

  6. I have 2 favorite pincushions. The first one is a small square made out of Mary Engelbreit fabric that I got from one of my favorite teachers! (Guess who??!) and my second favorite is a lady's hat that my same favorite teacher made me, I use it for my long straight pins! Thank you Kim! I miss you teaching!! Hugs!!


  7. Miss Marlene Ball and her blog so very much and was saddened with her passing...seemed just so sudden and she had so many projects in the works. I still keep one email from her in my inbox dated 1/29/08...a subtle reminder of her presence.

  8. Love your blog. Try the Clover Quilting Pins-Fine. They are long with orange and green glass heads. Love em.

  9. ohhhh.... I LOVE pincushions, it is a current obsession of mine. In the past couple of weeks I've made ones that look like owls and ones that look like chickens and ones that are big and round- sorry I don't have a better description but you can see them on my blog. I especially like ones that are pieced and find that I put different kinds of pins in different pincushions - it sort of justifies having a zillion pincushions - LOL!

  10. HI Kim,
    I love your Mary Englebreit chair- I have one of her teapot pincushions- I also have a few cool pincushions- One was an apple that was a Christmas ornament that was created by Suttle and Seawinds a quilt business in Nova Scotia many years ago. I think it is my favorite one- though my new favorite one is an Abby bag one that I won from Elizabeth of sucha sew and sew. I do have a couple of chair ones too. Aren't pin cushions fun- I do remember Mar too- I was just getting into blogging when she got ill. It is good to remember friends gone by- it means that they are still with us in spirit.
    Love your pin cushions.
    Warmest regards,


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!