Tuesday, February 15, 2011

At the Quilt Show

What's your favorite part of a quilt show: the quilts or the vendors? I sure would have a hard time identifying my favorite! On Saturday, I attended what's traditionally the first quilt show of the year in our area, the one put on by the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild.

For Christmas, Hubby bought me a new camera--nothing fancy, but for whatever reason, he decided I needed a new camera. I'm kind of funny about new "equipment"--it takes me awhile sometimes before I get around to trying it out. The dead battery issue the other night and my inability to find the new batteries I thought I had on hand finally pushed me into using the new camera--and I found it takes better photos than my old one. Unfortunately, it seems Blogger doesn't like to upload more than two or three photos at a time. More pixels or something? In any event, I was very patient with Blogger, so I could share these quilts with you. You might want to fix yourself some popcorn, because the show's about to begin.

First I wanted to show you a couple "art" quilts--these are real masterpieces! Can I tell you who the artists are? No, because I'm lame and didn't think ahead to note them down. ARGH!

Lovely, aren't they? This next one is wonderful too but in a different way. I'm not sure what technique was used besides broidery perse applique, but it appears the blue background must have been hand dyed. Can you imagine the time and planning it probably took?

This next one is arty, but in a more traditional way. This is really more something I could see myself doing, so I took a photo to remember it. I think it would be a wonderful way to tell a story, kind of like scrapbooking but with fabric.

I love the appliqued crows with top hats and vests. This looks like a commercial pattern to me, but I don't recognize it--do you know? The look of the traditional mixed with the whimsical is wonderfully fun.

Hocuspocusville. Done. Something to aspire to since I still haven't even started mine.

I think you may just laugh at me (or with me?) for taking the next photo, but this is really the first time I can recall seeing a quilt I taught that was later exhibited in a quilt show. I just got a huge kick out of seeing it there!

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day, but just in case you didn't get enough sweets, I'll leave you with this quilt:

This one was made for the quilt auction our local quilters will have in the fall to raise money for breast cancer research and treatment. I'm sure I'll tell you a little more about that in the months to come, because my embroidery peeps are making one too.

Are you wondering where my report on the vendors is? I'll post that tomorrow night. I just didn't have enough patience to wait for Blogger to upload several more photos tonight. I'm glad you could stop in and see the show!


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Hey, GF -- Do you have that witch pattern for sale someplace? I can't remember if it is your own or somebody else's that you taught . . . .

WV: azoli which is aioli gone bad

Vicky said...

The one with crows is a Late Bloomer pattern. I think the name is Bittersweet, but I could be wrong. I have it tucked away somewhere to do. Great show, Kim. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.

ritad said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Great shots with your new camera. I love quilt shows and the only ones I'll see on the left coast are those that good bloggers like you share.

Appalachian Mercantile said...

I could be wrong, too, but I think the crow quilt is a Rabbit Factory quilt....I will look and let you know.

Cindy F said...

Thanks for the great pictures! I was lucky enough to visit the show last year while I was in the area. I too forgot to take down the names of the artists.

How fun to see your own pattern at the show!

paulette said...

Loved the show Kim!! Bring on those vendors...can't wait!!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Thank you for sharing, Kim! I love seeing all the talent. I, myself really like the SHOPPING part of it all. Can't wait to hear about the vendors!

Jocelyn said...

Wow those quilts are a notch above what we see here locally. I've been to several national quilt shows and it is a tossup between quilts and vendors. The local vendors are, well, local ;-D So going to a national show is a great way to find the new things available.

Bonnie said...

Great photos of beautiful quilts! Makes me wish that I had gone to the show but I won't miss it next year now I know what a great group of quilters live in Folsom.

Sinta Renee said...

Thanks for the quilt show recap! I loved the photos! I love the one with the crows... I have wanted to do that one for a long time. It's a Blackbird Designs quilt. (I'm pretty sure)

Allyson said...

Great photos! Thanks for taking the time to upload them and share them with us. That art quilt with the gal on the blanket reading is amazing. I can't imagine the patience that must go into making something like that. In other words, you won't be seeing anything like that from me! :)

sue said...

thanks for sharing the pictures with us. I love to see quilt show pictures - they're unbelievably beautiful - like you said, somehing to aspire to. Been following you for a while and I check your blog everyday.

Gwen said...

Great quilts! I keep coming back to look at the sunflower quilt. That one is really interesting to me and that is not usually what catches my eye. Thanks for taking the time to let Blogger load the pictures!