Thursday, January 20, 2011

Valentine's Day Minis

I thought I'd show you a few Valentine's Day mini quilts I've made over the past couple of years. Valentine's Day is a favorite theme for me--you may have figured that out already!

In the last couple of days, when I've had time, I've been working on another smallish Valentine's Day quilt that I finally finished tonight--I needed something for the wall in my bathroom. This one measures 16" x 17", so it fits the space perfectly.

I used the same method I've used for some of my other machine appliqued wool pieces, like the Bette Bunny pattern tutorial in my sidebar, so I was able to make it pretty quickly. (By the way, if you're interested in this pattern, I've put together a few kits and listed them in my Etsy shop, along with some collections of wool squares.)

In past years, I've made other Valentine's Day minis. Originally I had this one up on the wall in my bathroom, but I decided to hang it at work instead:

That's why I needed to make another one this year. As you can see, it was made using one of the woven heart blocks with wool appliqued hearts in the corners. And I think a couple of you still remember this one too--

I'm not sure where the photo is after it was quilted and bound, but I came across this one, so I thought I'd share--I had forgotten about it! I think I gave this one away too, either on my blog or in my quilt class that year. Of course, this is another quilt that uses four of the woven heart blocks and Mary Engelbreit fabric--isn't it fun to find a fabric that can give a quilt as much personality as that heart/home border print does? A couple of you commented the other day that you remembered the one I'd made using Mary Engelbreit fabric, and I wonder now which of the last two you were thinking of? I'd guess it might be this last one. And you know what? I think I saved enough of that border fabric to make one for myself. I guess I'd better go search my stash.


  1. Kim those are just so adorable. You are an inspiration,

  2. I love the single woven heart wall hanging. Maybe I should make one for Amelia's room. Quick and easy!

  3. I just discovered a stash of heart fabric in my closet. This sort of little project is the perfect use for what I found!

  4. They are all so cute...I don't know which one I like best!



  5. STOP! Your tempting me! I'm trying to stay on track. You have been increasing the temptation everyday. Now I'm going to have to go off track, after I finish this quilt!

  6. Gosh they are so wonderful to look at. Thanks for sharing them.

  7. I love your minis~~~ They are all so adorable!!!!

  8. How cute! I really like #2! You did a beautiful job.

  9. These are really cute. I love that touch of lace.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!