Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quick as a Wink!

That's how quickly I'm going to try to write tonight's post, because I had to work until nearly 11 p.m. tonight and I have to go back in early tomorrow and I'd sure like to get just a little bit of sleep in between. ARGH!

Anyway, what do I have for you? Well, I took a half hour break for lunch and between decadent bites of Lean Cuisine (NOT!), I managed to finish the template/pattern for the Valentine's Day tree skirt. I've uploaded the PDF file to Scribd--hopefully those of you who wanted it are not the same those of you who wish to remain anonymous as far as Scribd is concerned, but if you have issues (and who among us doesn't in one way or another) please email me and I'll see what I can do. Click HERE to get to it. And here's a reminder of what the finished skirt looks like--

I also managed to get the tablerunner kit in the mail to my winner, Sandra, and mailed out a couple Etsy orders that came in over the weekend, so if you're looking for something from me, it should arrive before too long.

The other thing that I've been wanting to tell you about is the embroidery relief effort my good friend Gran is heading up. She's collecting embroidery supplies to send off to her contacts in Queensland, Australia, to help replace supplies lost in the flooding. And, well, you know that quite a lot of our best embroidery designs come from Australia, so let's make sure the supply doesn't dry up! (No pun intended!) Check out Gran's post HERE and see if there's anything you might be able to help with.

I'll be back tomorrow night. And if my hands fall off in the meantime, I'm sure I'll manage anyway. Time now to head to bed.


  1. Thank you! I have got to make this skirt. :-) ~and I sure hope your hands stay put! ;-)

  2. Rest up! I hope your work load slows down some.

  3. Hi BFF :o) - Just got back from the dentist and sitting here reading your blog while drinking (trying not to dribble) hot cocoa, my comfort food AND what should I read but your shout out to my blog post on the need for embroidery supplies for our Australian Knot-y Embroidery Sisters. Thank you Kim! Are you taking your vitamin D?

  4. Looks great,love to get this for valentines day

  5. That is beautiful. But I think I'm missing something - why a tree skirt for Valentine's?

    Also, I see you have a list of quilt blogging Kims. I am also a quilt blogging Kim, though I don't blog real often - too busy homeschooling.


  6. Thanks Kim for posting the file for the Valentine tree skirt. I'm thinking I can make this without the hole in the center for a table topper. You are so inspiring, again, thanks for sharing your designs!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!