Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do You Know the Deaf Pilots?

Once upon a time . . . before the Wild Child re-enrolled in college and moved back home, she lived in Tahoe and had a job waitressing/bartending. In her free time, she sang in a local band. While in Tahoe, she met Manager Man, who was working as a waiter at the same restaurant and was a member of a different local band. Obviously they had a lot in common, and a relationship developed.

Fast forward a couple months, and the Wild Child was back in college and living at home, and Manager Man was back at HIS college, about a two hour drive away. When they had time, usually on weekends, they'd get together. Neither of them was in a band anymore, but Manager Man had begun managing a local band called the Deaf Pilots.

A couple of weeks before Christmas, the boys in the band filmed their first music video, and they stopped at our house for a little break on the drive home from San Francisco to Chico. It was sort of cute seeing these young "kids" who were kind of overwhelmed and kind of pumped up by the whole experience.

Now they've just finished what I think was their first tour, playing different small venues (i.e., bars) all over the state, and Manager Man showed up at our house tonight to be reunited with the Wild Child. While we were chatting, I learned he and the band had been on tour for two whole weeks and each of them started out with $140 for gas, food, and lodging. Amazing! I can't go to a quilt shop for an hour and spend much less than that.

A couple of months ago, Manager Man was reading my blog and noted my traffic stats. He was certain that the band's exposure to the number of readers who stopped in could quite possibly launch their careers. Like a bunch of middle aged quilters are likely to launch the careers of some rock and roll college kids, right? Yeah, whatever!

Anyway, if you happen to see that the Deaf Pilots are playing at an amphitheater near you someday, or if you're watching music videos and see them in one, remember this post. Because, you know--YOU probably helped to make them famous. I wonder if this is anything like the way the Beatles and the Rolling Stones got their start? And I wonder if I can collect any kind of royalties for promoting the band?


  1. And the Beat Goes On ... I hope we get to have lunch tomorrow - I need getting out as much as you need too! Bring your calendar - Thelma and Louise need to go on a field trip!

  2. When I saw your title I thought, 'well why shouldn't deaf people be pilots?' hmmmm, shoulda known better!
    Its amazing how bands start and some go on to be big and some just enjoy playing away in small venues for years. And who's to say the small bands give any less pleasure than the big ones?
    Due to the nature of our gargoyles interests we know a lot of musicians, and I love being with the young ones who are full of life and excited by everything and see the world as their oyster. Bet you had a blast!! Even if your ears are still ringing?

  3. Doing your part to help out the band. Do we hear Wedding Bells in Wild Child and Manager Man's future?

  4. well, maybe if you quilted their stage costumes......................
    arr arr arrr

  5. hmmmph!

    not ALL of us who read your blog are middle-aged quilters ... no ... indeed ... SOME of us are freakin' OOOOOOOOOLD!!!

    and then there's Auntia ... she's a puppy!!!

    Manager Man may have something there...

  6. Do you think they swing into NC?

  7. Will definitely keep any eye out to see if they come to Cincinnati....always like to hear fresh, new bands.



  8. You never know! Stranger things have happened. ;)

  9. I wish them all luck, in careers and the relationship too! I is really exciting to see dreams unfold! And yours too-- band promoter!

  10. I'll be looking ever diligently in the "Chico news and review" for concert listing!
    BTW, you inspired an antique Valentine. After I finishes up that baby quilt, I had to start a Valentine something. If you go to my post today, you'll see it. Thanks for the push - off the tracks!

  11. Are they likely to play in Knoxville, TN? Because if they actually play music that has melodies, I would go see them.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!