Saturday, January 22, 2011

Starry, Starry Night

I've been working tonight on the Mon Ami Schnibbles pattern. Have you seen it? It's the Le Petite project for January. Here's a photo of Carrie Nelson's version using one of the French General lines--

Pretty, yes? But I've been putting off making it this month, and I think it's because I was hoping to come up with a fresh, original color combination, but everything I thought of wasn't as appealing as the very trite red, white, and blue--after all, it IS stars! So I finally pulled out a couple of old charm packs and decided that for mine, I'd use a background of mixed light colored charms instead of the all-one-fabric background in the original. Here are my first five blocks, fully sewn--

I have the other pieces cut and stacked but not sewn yet, and there are a lot of half square triangles to make, so I'm glad I didn't put it off any longer. And I guess I shouldn't be hard on myself about the rather predictable color combination--after all, in the Sweat Shop, I have a whole cubbie of red, white, and blue fabrics, so obviously I like the combination, right? How about you? Have you made this project yet (or WILL you be making it this month)? If so what color combination and fabrics are you playing with? Inquiring minds . . . .


  1. I told you about those HST when I was making mine. But that was the first of the month. :Looks good so far.

  2. I finished my Mon Ami and posted it a few days ago using Remembrance, left off the final border and tea dye for an old look. The work was well worth the final result. Keep plugging away and in no time you will have a beauty!

  3. I love your version...your blocks are way more interesting to look at!

  4. Very nice! One of these days I will make a Schibbles pattern!

  5. I am dong mine of 30's - I could not find a color combo I liked either and I thought R-W-B - but I have a ton of 30's so I thought it would be good for spring..

  6. Kim, your quilt is going to be gorgeous. I love your colour combination. I just received my pattern yesterday but haven't decided what colour combo to use yet. I'm going to have to play around a bit, I think.

  7. I love it just as you have chosen. I love red anything and with the white and blue it is perfect!

  8. Nice, real nice! Still embroidering here - MI-5 was wonderful tonight. Hugs

  9. I love the project. I want to make it...but probably wont' happen this month. When I do...I'm going to have a hard time not using the same as the model...I love it!

  10. I finished mine, but went in a totally different direction and made place mats. Love the r/w/b's you are using.

  11. Truly, I like yours much better than the original.

  12. I like that you used different background fabrics......what a good idea :) It looks great :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!