Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seasons of Quilting

One of the interesting things I've noticed because I have a blog is that I seem to turn to the same things each year at the same times. Holiday-themed quilts are sort of expected, but it still surprises me that I tend to start projects for each holiday at pretty much the same week each year. But there's also other stuff--like the fact that I start thinking more about applique projects around this time of the year and into early spring.

Tomorrow I plan to pin the next quilt I'll finish--that will be my "2nd in '11" quilt. Besides that, I'll keep working on the Mon Ami Schnibbles quilt--here's the latest photo--

Twenty of twenty-five blocks are done, so I have five left and then there's the pieced border too. Probably a day's work, I suspect.

But after that? I'm thinking about applique. I have three applique quilts in various stages of completion, and I'd like one of them to become my "3rd in '11." I'm not sure which one yet, but it will be fun trying to decide. Maybe I'll even decide to finish two of them this year!

What are you working on or planning to start (or finish) next? Do you find yourself doing the same things each year at the same times too?


  1. YES.....great post! January always has me working on Xmas!! Love the Schnibbles!

  2. I haven't been quilting long enough to have developed a pattern. It will be interesting to see over time if I do.

  3. I love those pretty RWB combination's!! I think seasonally...but I really need to make some stockings for next Christmas, not Valentines things!!

  4. I'm a fairly new quilter, this is my second year, so I don't have any patterns yet. I've got several UFO's, but today I plan to start cutting Ohio Stars for my king size quilt.

  5. Kim it is beautiful. Where would you put the applique?

  6. Your Schnibble looks great. You've had a very productive year so far.

  7. I haven't been quilting long enough to have developed any patterns, but I HAVE been thinking a lot about applique lately! And I'm trying to get a jump on some seasonal things, instead of doing them after the holiday/season. Love your Schnibbles. What do you do with all of them?

  8. Interesting post...never really thought about it. But I did notice that immediately after the holidays the Valentine fabrics were showing up. Haven't seen much green for St Pat tomorrow! LOL

  9. I love that Mon Ami pattern! Been seeing it all over blog land and I love it in every kind of fabric. I love your red, white and blue version, too.

    I don't think I do that, specific things at specific times. In fact, although Valentines Day is practically knocking on the door, and Easter will be sneaking up after that, I'm planning to pull out Christmas fabric in the next couple weeks, and am working on a Halloween quilt.

  10. Kim - I love your Mon Ami! Very Patriotic, very nice. I guess this time of year I'm thinking of Valentine's Day quilts. Good for you getting stuff done. My next project is going to be making a quilt for my bed.

  11. I am working on the Mon Ami pattern right now as well. Mine is going to be only nine blocks, along with the pieced border. I plan to use it as a little mat on my kitchen table. I found a stash of Valentine themed fabrics I had forgotten about that are just perfect for it. I adore your patriotic version!

  12. Love your blocks. That would be a great American Heroes quilt. I don't do the same thing at the same time each year, because my life changes too much. This is the first year in 6 that I've concentrated on finishing things that are started. Not that I haven't started several new projects also!

  13. No pattern here either. What I work on tends to be determined by who is getting married, having a baby, graduating, retiring, etc. I go with spring, summer and fall table toppers and picnic quilts, but avoid other "seasonal" and gimmick fabrics. For seldom used occasions, (Valentines Day, St. Pats, Mardi Gras and the like) I stay small - pot holders or a narrow strip of appropriate fabric or ribbon on a towel. Between people quilts, I squeeze in the oriental or a spectacular large print panel.

  14. I seem to always be behind and short on time! I make most quilts/gifts just in the nick of time. I have your valentine quilt cut out and started from last year, but I didn't get it done and put it away. I was determined to finish it for this year, but it's not done yet.:( I admire the way you seem to organize your life so you get everything done. I think I just need to sleep less.

  15. I love it!! I just posted about working on mine are closer to being done and it looks great! I love your colors :)

  16. I find this time of year, after Christmas, during the cold, I'm looking at blue-yellow-white quilts pretty consistently. I think it's to bring lightness and Spring in the midst of dreary winter weather. I did get some Valentine fabric this year, and last year I was motivated to make two red-and-white quilts, mostly because I really had nothing for Valentine's day. That will probably be my limit. Your Mon Ami is striking. Didn't say so much patriotic to me as a good eye for color and fabric mixing.

  17. Love the red/white and blue quilt. It's going to be wonderful. Where are you and Gran going to be hanging out now that BB&H is closed? I'm still bummed about it, as are all of my friends. It was always a stop when I went to Sacramento. I have to go up there this week to Meissner's to pick up my machine and I'll probably just drive amelessly around. LOL!!

  18. I totally love patriotics and I love how this is coming together. Yippie!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!