Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh My!

I promised you beefcake, right? I always keep my word. Most of the time.

I've been overwhelmed by the number of you who visited me on MY day AND who actually came back again yesterday! Incredible! I should warn you though--I'm not ALWAYS funny. Sometimes I'm serious. Sometimes I'm bored. Sometimes I'm creative. And sometimes I'm just very tired--like tonight.

When I'm not busy being a comedy blogger and a quilt designer, I'm a legal secretary. Right now, we're getting ready to go to trial on a fairly complex case, and it's meant some pretty intensive work during the past week and a bit of overtime here and there. Except that tonight it was more than a "bit of overtime"--tonight it was around three hours of overtime.

I haven't seen the inside of the Sweat Shop for more than a few minutes all week--except maybe to sit down and draw my pattern illustrations, and that doesn't really count, does it? ARGH!

Okay, I just slapped myself out of it. Are you having fun on the blog tour, finding all kinds of fun projects? I'm amazed at the cute stuff my fellow bloggers have come up with. And today is STEFANIE's day! Stefanie is Little Lady Patchwork and I think you'll find her project is just as excellent as the others have been. Want to see it?

Stefanie used the Giddy line for her project just like I did--well, actually several of us used it. I really need to get some of that cherry fabric in the first couple hearts on the left--it's very, very yummy, isn't it?

Oh, and before you go, speaking of yummy . . .


  1. OMG well that woke me up this morning. Was just going to write that at my age I prefer the puppy picture anyway, then got to the bottom of your post....and changed my mind!! There is life in this old dog yet!! Hugs Linda

  2. You made me laugh so much just now!! Beef cake...HA! No one is always funny... but most of the time the best people to know are the ones who don't take things so seriously! I really needed a great laugh today - so thank you, and thanks for sharing that yummy man with us he he. I'm a newer follower, and I'm so glad I found your blog!

  3. Kim, just what I needed this morning! LOL

  4. Hi, Very funny!!! THe beefcake at the begining would be way to sweet.... So I think I'll go for the beefcake on the bottom!!!!!! WOW!!!! Nice cake!!! ;)

  5. What a great image to start off my day:) both Beefcakes are looking quite yummy!!! Thanks for making me laugh- and drool, of course:)

  6. I'm 9 months into this very rough pregnancy, so the beef cake at the end of the post is entirely unappealing. In fact, I think I'd like to throw something at him. haha! Instead, I'll take the first cake...with a glass of milk. :o)

  7. I was a little disappointed when I saw the top picture of your beefcake. But I kept reading, and so glad that I did. Even though I'm an 'old maid' I do like to see some 'eye candy' once in a while. Thanks for sharing.

  8. You sure are a busy woman. How do you find the time - and yet be so clever and funny?! Thanks for both "beefcakes." I knew you wouldn't disappoint your blog followers. (No sure which pic made me drool more - yum!)

  9. Well, Kim, life is serious, boring, and dull some of the time and we just have to roll with it. I do think that roll with a good sense of humor, though!

    I laughed so hard at your "beefcake" at the top of the post. That was perfect. And as I'm "maturing" I find myself less drawn to the type at the bottom...hello, menopause! Ugh!

    Have a wonderful day!



  10. I'll take one of those please - PLEASE! Loved the post.

    Hugs - Marie

  11. Kim, thanks for jumpstarting my day! Not sure which pic worked! Hope you get some playtime this weekend.

  12. Now You're talking. What a hunk, can I borrow him?

  13. TOURING!

  14. Hmmm. Am I the only one who thinks the one on the bottom is a little TOO much of a beefcake?!

  15. You are a hoot! :) Love the looks of that 'beef cake' :D . I've also been a legal secretary in another life, and am married to an attorney. I feel your pain, girl!!!! And send lots of hugs and sympathy...if you were closer, I would give you tea to go with that. :D

  16. What with all my wide awake late night yacking in blog land and with you, I forgot to read your blog. LOL - hang in there Ms. Wonderful Legal Sekatary - no one runs faster then you - they need you!!!

  17. What a great looking beefcake, both of them!!! LOL! Hang in there after this case you can move on.

  18. Oh my be still my heart, I may need recusitation after getting to the end of your blog. I was thinking you can keep that beef cake, now I'm thinking I'll take him thank you very much. Love your blog, just think all that overtime means more fabric for the Sweat Shop and now you will have the weekend to drool over that & your beefcake....

  19. Ooh La La! He is easy on the eyes. When you are tired and stressed, it certainly helps to maintain a sense of humor. Keeps you from going crazy!

  20. The valentine garland is a great idea!

  21. HOLY COW!!!! Who cares about the Valentine's project. Good thing he came at the end of the post!!!

    Karen in IN

  22. Hi Kim -- You gave up your little bit of sewing time to make us all Beefcake??? Why, thank you!! I need help, though -- can't open the file for your table runner. Please send it to me at Thank you again! Florence

  23. Great beef cake, Kim. Thanks for making my day.

  24. LOL I just about sprayed my tea! :-o Thanks for the laughs! Have a good weekend!

  25. you do NOT want to know what the beefcake in the first picture looks like to me ... which reminds me of a joke about a lawyer in Washington with a client on death row ... and thank you for the guy down under - he's soooo purtee


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