Thursday, January 13, 2011


My part in this Be Mine relay for romance is more or less done, and I've passed the baton on to my long-time blog buddy Carol of Carol's Crafty Creations. I've "known" Carol for years--in a sort of virtual way--since we both joined a Yahoo Thimbleberries group before there even WERE blogs. I think Carol and I have similar tastes--at least I know I always LOVE everything she does! Click on over and see what Carol's designed for you--I can tell you it's a great project! I'm writing this somewhat early, so I don't want to give away the surprise before she gets to show you herself.

So, did anyone come back today? Four or five of you did? Excellent! I kind of feel like a party hostess after the guests have gone home. Time to clean up and think about the evening. Maybe sip a last glass of wine. Or two. As a matter of fact, I've thought of a few things I want to say about my project and--I can hardly believe it myself--I've read though all 462 comments you've left so far--Wow!--and I wanted to answer some questions more than a few of you had.

First, the project. Here's a little tip I neglected to mention. When you sew the blocks/pieces into rows press the seam allowances all in same direction for the first row. Then press the seam allowances all in the opposite direction for the next row. And so on, and so on. That way, when you sew the rows together, they'll fit nicely and the intersecting seams will line up.

Some of you said you'd like to make the runner but didn't think you could get it done in time for THIS Valentine's Day. Seriously, it's pretty fast. I don't know how much time you have in your lives, but I don't think it's a huge time commitment as quilty things go. Of course, you know what time you have available better than I do; I'm just sayin' it may not take as long as you anticipate.

Some of you complimented me on my color choices (or, if you're Canadian, colour choices). I wish I could take credit, but all I did was pick out a charm pack of Sandy Gervais' wonderful collection, Giddy. Tell Sandy you love her. I think she has a blog too. Or, better yet, buy some of her fabric at the Fat Quarter Shop--that's where I got mine! Nothing says "I love your color (colour) choices" louder than money.

Seriously, I love Canada. I only tease my favorite people. And old people, young children, and men.

Some of you said you'd love to make the runner but you don't have a table. Seriously? How do you not have a table? What about a dresser? Or the back of a toilet tank? If nothing else, hang it on the wall, use it as a bell pull, or drape it over your sewing machine as a dust cover. Or maybe your mother-in-law has a table? You'd probably earn big points and a mention in her will if you made her a table runner.

Some of you had issues with Scribd. Or Facebook. Or PDF files. Some of you commented about it to me and had email addresses, and for you, I emailed you a PDF file directly. If you're Son of Unabomber and want the pattern without giving up your identify or GPS location, email me--just click on that thing in my sidebar that shows you my whole profile, and then click on the email link. I'll send you a PDF file. But let me suggest this alternative--

Yahoo, among other sites, will give you a free email box. They're pretty easy to set up. I have another Yahoo address that I use for signing up for things, ordering on line, joining groups, etc. That's the email address I used to set up my Scribed account. And while I actually DO have a Facebook account, I don't think I needed it to sign up or log in. (Then again, I joined Facebook around Labor Day weekend and have only been back once when I wanted to find out if Soccer Son had been snowed in at Tahoe. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to be my friend, so I couldn't see anything. Kids!)

Anyway, if you're concerned about giving out personal information, there are ways to get around it. Scribed and other similar PDF hosting sites offer their services for free, and you KNOW nothing is ever free, right?! But don't pretend to be someone else. It's not legal anymore online. There goes all my fun.

A few of you said you were now following me (which is helpful in case I get lost), and one or two of you wanted to follow me but didn't know where or how. I love having followers but I hide you down at the bottom of my blog. I don't want it to go to my head and be all self-conscious or anything. But if you're looking for the followers, they're down there. Waiting.

Were you wondering about the puppy photo? I found it when I did an image search for "cutest puppy ever." You know how some bloggers have links in their sidebars that include photos from the listed blogs? I wanted something cute that would show up next to mine that might bring you back. I understand puppies work pretty well for guys in parks so I thought I'd give it a try. If this doesn't work, I'll try searching for "beefcake" tomorrow.


  1. I loved reading your thoughts on the comments from yesterday. Yes I have returned today for a look. I am new to patchwork and bought my first pieces to start my stash today! I am not much of a blogger but I have had fun looking at those in the tour. At first I had trouble finding how to leave a comment then you send me to Facebook!! but I managed to muddle out how to get your pattern. Thanks. It is great.

  2. yes, can imagine it feeling like that SO many comments, i'd die!
    Well done,...and loved the pup!

  3. ...looking forward to tomorrow's "beefcake" and loving your humor:)

  4. Kim, I could not download it either. When you get a minute, could you email it to me.?

  5. I have a question....I've done a couple of projects now with points - like the ends of your runner - that aren't 90 degrees. How do you get your binding to lay flat at those points...mine always end up crookedly pointy and turned up - like elf shoes! If you have any tips, I'd love the hear them. Thanks again for the runner - and the mother-in-law idea! Piece....

  6. Hi I'm a new follower and I came back for another look, could have been the puppy that did it for me.. I also had trouble finding your followers, but I clicked on follow at the top...ha you can't hide from me. Linda

  7. Good Morning Kim! I printed it right from your blog because I need the color visuals. Ive never made anything on point before, so if you do give hints for the binding, please give them in your blog. I'm sure it will help lots of us. And thank you again! Florence

  8. ps, Aussies spell colour with the u as well....
    -bit 'o trivia!

  9. Oh Kim, I so love reading your blog. I think you are as zany as I am. Well, this weekend is the date: I intend to make the runner. I've already got my fabric scraps picked out. You are so not making it easy to get my UFO's done.


  10. Ha! The puppy worked. :)

    I first found your blog about a year ago when I was doing a search for St. Patricks Day quilts. I had your wonderful tutorial on my list and it never got done.

    (I know you'll find that shocking from a quilter!)

    Here I am a year later and trying hard to get a jump start on March and I really, really want to get that quilt made for my Dad this year.

    And there you go tempting me with a Valentine pattern instead!!

  11. Yep, I'm back! I love your humor... I think a little chuckle in the morning is just the trick to get the day started off right! And know what? I'll be back (said in the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator) for your next post, too!



  12. Loved your commentary! And the pic, looks like my pup Rebal.
    And what's wrong with Canadian, eh? :P

  13. Hi Kim, yes we go way back to the days of yahoo group swaps and such. We do have similar tastes in fabrics too. I know a little secret, this heart in your table runner was originally in a lap size quilt pattern you designed about a year ago. I've always liked this heart pattern, adorable. It does look like a fast project to make in say a weekend. Mix it with Sherri's table runner and you have two very cute table runners to decorate for Valentine's Day. I stressed big time over my post for the tour and now that it's posted I'm thinking I worried a bit too much. That's a cute dog photo.

  14. ooooo! BEEFcake tomorrow!!!! and maybe some CHEESEcake on saturday?

    word ver is noddle - as in "she noddled her head" - not to be confused with noodle as in "he was a noodlehead"

  15. I became a follower yesterday and will staying following if you promise to keep the cute puppy pics coming...jk. Seriously, enjoyed reading today and it is refreshing to start off the day with a giggle.

  16. Well, even though all you did was choose a charm pack by Sandy Gervais, you done good! I LOVE her fabrics and have a quilt top waiting to be quilted from her fabulous fabrics!!

    And who doesn't love the Fat Quarter Shop!!

    I am seriously going to try and make 2 runners for my girls for Valentine's day... I usually send them a teddy bear and candy. I bet this would surprise the heck out of them!

  17. Puppies, beefcakes, cute projects, a hostess with a sense of humor...what more could a girl want? You're a hoot and that's a good things where I come from! Thanks for starting my day with a good laugh!

  18. I'm back - great posting. You are on my 'must check daily' list.

    Hugs - Marie

  19. Kim - you crack me up! Great post to read this morning!

  20. You are just the cutest thing ever!! :D Loved this post.

  21. You are in rare form this morning! LOL! Thanks for the smile this morning, and thanks again for the pattern.
    And that is one darn cute puppy! Makes me think I should become a dog person. Of course, once he started piddling all over the house, I might change my mind. . .

  22. Wow 480 comments! Well it's fun to share ideas and have people visit. I love the pattern. Hope I can make it BEFORE Valentine's Day.

  23. I'll be here tomorrow and everyday, beefcake or not, but it sure would be fun to see a shot! Maybe with a quilt in the background!

  24. Oh, by the way! I'm one of the followers that all look alike! We must have relatives in common.

  25. TOURING!

  26. Oh Kim- thanks for making me laugh again today. The puppy is adorable and I am intrigued by the possiblity of beefcake - hmmmmm - that should have them checking back tomorrow in droves -- LOL!

  27. OK, having posted my first comments on the tablerunner blogpost, I thought I'd browse a bit and came across this post - I'm smiling because you have such a sense of humor and I love that! I'll probably be reading you several times a week from now on. What a lucky find, just because I was following this Valentine's Day thing going on with all the blogs. Thank you for the smiles! And the great instructions too!

  28. I'm now a follower on Google - just had to sign up. Lucky day finding you! It seems you make ALL of us smile! What a great thing!

  29. What s fun idea with the puppy picture, LOL!! It is really cute. I would love it if you sent me the PDF of your pattern. I can't wait to make it.

  30. Love the comments, I remember the pre-blog Yahoo groups (Carol is my sister so I trail around behind her virtually) I thought the same thing, seriously, you don't have a table?!? But my daughter moved to condo with her husband and baby last January and they still only use the breakfast bar. Carol wanted to make her a table runner for her birthday this month (I didn't tell Carol she doesn't have a table, she wouldn't understand) I told Elena about the gift to accept graciously without mentioning the sans table. She said she told her husband they really need to consider living like grown ups and buy one - I told her growing up is overrated. Kate in (sunny and snowy) Colorado

  31. I always come back to see what you are up to and what advice you can give (lots today)!!! That sure is a cute puppy!!!

  32. I too am a "returnee" (is there such a word? It seems better than stalker!) You are such a funny blogger. You have such "voice" in your posts. I enjoy following you (so don't get lost!) because it gives me a daily chuckle. You are the princess of blog sitcoms!

  33. As always....I leave your blog with a stupid grin on my face because you are hilarious!

  34. You're a HOOT! Love to read your blog.

  35. Loved reading this post as well!
    Don't think I'm a follower, but I've been a subscriber to your posts through google reader for a long time.
    Btw, didn't have any problem downloading your pdf file, after I finallly managed to remember my scribs username and password! LOL!

  36. I feel the stupid grin on my face!! Wonderful blog toots!

  37. You crack me up. :) You know though, I'm following you because I assume you know where you're going, if you get lost we're in serious trouble. I'll be back tomorrow for the steak... or was that tomatoes... Ohhh, now I remember, hot guys. Yeah, back tomorrow!

  38. I'll help you do up the dishes from the party! I always stay until the end...afraid to miss something!

  39. You are too funny! I was a follower before, and this just confirms why! I am going to the Flickr group (I'm TOTALLY new to those!) and then to my craft room to try your pattern RIGHT NOW! :) Thanks again!

  40. What a great project. You are just so imaginative, creative. I saw all those comments last night and thought I would show up to today "after the party" so I could avoid #400-something comments!! Holy smokes. How do you keep up. Love the the project. Not a tablerunner person but I think I could like this one. Thanks again, Kim.

  41. You do make me laugh Kim- Your Canadian friends love you too-
    It looks like a great project and if I ever get my act together to quilt I am seriously thinking about making 11 quilts this year- I best get started don't you think !
    Glad to see so many others discovered your wonderful blog. It is one of my favorite places to visit!
    Warmest regards,

  42. Oh Yea the puppy works for me, it looks like one of my Maltese pups

  43. Cute, cute puppy.

    I love the quilt you showed last night. I am thinking to start one, along with all the others I have started, but this one I vow to finsh. I may take a page from you and use Thimbleberries fabrics!
    Sandy and I will be discussing this on Saturday...........

  44. I like your color combinations (I somehow dont get it quite so right).

  45. Loved your post and your puppy is so cute. What kind of dog is it?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!