Saturday, January 15, 2011

Winding Down and Revving Up

It's Friday night, which means it's time to wind down from a busy, busy week. What do you like to do to unwind?

Up until this evening, I thought that what I most wanted to do was hurry home from work and lock myself in the Sweat Shop for a little creative play time, but as the hour got later and later, and I still wasn't home yet, I decided I'd rather just relax and maybe have a bit of a soak in the tub with some bubblebath and indulge in a little beauty treatment or two.

Do you want to know about my secret beauty product?

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, perhaps you know what's coming? Yep, I figured it was time for my semi-annual leg shaving and bi-monthly chin-hair plucking. Nothing's more relaxing than having skin that's as smooth as a baby's bottom! Even if it does seem more like a very wrinkly and old baby's bottom. And Drano Max dissolves the hair in the drain ev-e-ry time!

I thought after that, bed with a cup of hot chocolate, a good book, and a Tylenol PM would be a real treat, so that's where I'm headed next.

Tomorrow, though . . . tomorrow's dedicated to some serious play time. There are SO MANY, many things I want to make that I just don't know where to start. The creative juices are flowing like tree sap, any one of our blog tour projects would make a great start to the weekend sewing, and the Le Petite monthly project (the Mon Ami Schnibbles pattern) is calling to me!

Sadly, the Be Mine Blog Tour is nearly done, with Natalia as our final designer. I haven't seen Natalia's project so far and she hasn't posted yet, but it's sure to be something special, so remember to visit her blog and check it out!

Finally, don't forget to post a comment on each designer's "day" so you'll be entered in all of the drawings. To make it easy for you, I've updated the list of links in my sidebar where I've listed all of us so that clicking on them will take you directly to the correct posts. Oh, and something else I forgot to mention about the giveaways I host--you'll need to check back here on Monday or Tuesday to see who won; normally, if a winner doesn't come back and claim his/her prize, I just pick a runner up after waiting for a few days. Yeah, I know--tough love, huh?! I'm just mean that way, I guess.

So, I'm off to make some hot chocolate and rub my smooth legs against the sheets. Please grab one of those Valentine's Day Oreos before you leave, okay? As a matter of fact, I DID get them especially for you!


  1. I'll be thinking of ya tomorrow while me and Colleen attend the quilt show in Modesto. We need to get together next week, maybe we can get Gran to join us for a bit, somewhere close to her house. Let me know! Hugs!!


  2. I am always jealous when I read about your weekend/Saturday plans. This is because I am usually at the end of my Saturday when I read it. (Australians, we always have to be ahead of everyone else. The only group worse than us is those New Zealanders and they are even more ahead than us.)And I wish I had done something wonderful rather than the supermarket nothingness I did do. Hope your Saturday is wonderful!

  3. Hope you enjoyed your special treatment and feel recharged and ready for a great day in your Sweat Shop! Have a wonderful week-end!

  4. Okay you are too funny! I read down through your posts for the week and all I can say there has to be a lot of stress relief working with someone who can find humor in ordinary things :0) I've enjoyed reading through your week. Sarah (yeah I'm one those 'come backs' from the Valentine Blog Tour)

  5. I'm you seriously use draino on your legs? Isn't that painful?

    I hope you enjoy your creative weekend. I have errands to run doubt sewing will be on my agenda. =)

  6. Now I want chocolate. . . .
    Your blog is gettin' me in trouble this morning!

  7. you really had me worried with the drano.... thanks for all you did for the blog tour, I had so much fun and not I have a few projects to start on

  8. ROFL! When I saw that bottle of Drano I got a bit worried...until I read on that you use it to unclog your drain from your leg shaving/chin plucking routine. Whew! :o) Menopause has been good to me...body hair stopped growing so no leg shaving...but that also means I have no eyebrows, either! Not sure that the trade off is worth it - I'm lousy with an eyebrow pencil!

    Enjoy your sewing weekend!



  9. Neat tour!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I'd love to tap some of that tree sap , to keep on hand when my own is dried and crystalized.
    Good luck with the weed wacking!

  11. Enjoy your Saturday creativeness:) Be careful with that Draino- it will melt your skin off:)

  12. How's that Saturday going for ya? Thanks for the virtual oreos. :0)

  13. drat - i thought those were valentine's day moon pies ... did you use your polka dotted cup for the hot chocolate?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!