Monday, December 20, 2010


If you're a local quilter, you may or may not have heard the news: Bearpaws & Hollyhocks is closing. It's sad to hear that our area is losing another quilt shop--we've had several close in the last couple of years, mostly due to the retirement of the shop owners.

For me, this means that not only will I be losing one of the local shops I count on for my quilting needs, but my teaching "career" will be put on hold for the time being. Two years ago, I couldn't imagine being a quilt teacher and now it's hard to imagine NOT teaching! But I'm looking forward to a little break--we all need breaks now and then. After that? Who knows?

Since I'll have a little more time, though, I've agreed to be one of the designers for a Valentine's blog hop--more information will follow after the holidays, but I'm kind of excited, and I wanted to let you all in on the excitement too! Gather up your pink, white, red, and chocolate brown fabrics because I think we'll have some fun ideas for you.

And speaking of after-the-holidays projects, did you notice the button in my side bar for Block-a-Palooza? Click HERE for more information--this sounds like it will be a lot of fun! I just saw the Sunkissed charm packs at the FQ Shop yesterday, and when I saw that the designers were planning to use that line, I ordered a fat eighth bundle. Cute stuff!

So, there are a lot of new projects and changes on the horizon around here, but first we need to get through the holidays. I still have quite a few things left to do before Christmas--how are you doing?


  1. I really don't like to hear that another quilt shop is closing...and one that you spoke so fondly of...really bums me out.

  2. I'm sorry to hear the shop is closing. I was able to stop in there when I last visited Sacramento in September. I thought it was a great shop. I wish you well with whatever you decide to do.

    As far as Christmas...I still haven't finished decorating the tree! Aside from that, I am done with shopping so thank goodness for that!

  3. The quilt shops are sure taking a hit. Here in Vancouver, WA we have only one small shop that mostly does machine quilting with a little fabric. Other than that, only Craft Warehouse. I'm nearly ready for Christmas, no family coming this year, so it's fairly easy.

  4. It is so sad to hear that another quilt shop is closing. I imagine it is hard to compete with some of the online quilt shops, but I still love to go to the LQS and see their samples and enjoy the one on one friendships. We have lost all of our local quilt shops and now have to drive at least 45 mins to the closest one. Although that is not terribly far, it still means taking a day to visit ONE shop. Have you considered teaching quilting at a local church or rec center??

  5. Oh no! I haven't been in there for a long time, but whenever I was shop hopping in Sacramento I tried to stop by. I loved their selection of Civil War reproduction fabrics. I hope when the economy improves, we will see some new shops open.

  6. It's not only sad to hear that your LQS is closing for the obvious reasons... but what you also lose is the friendship gathering place, where you see people you know and have fun with and share ideas and get support from one another too. I'm sure they will miss their "teacher" very much!!!

  7. Seems to be the trend - quilt shops closing. I know of three in our area. And another that may close. That means it will be at least an hour drive to get to a quilt shop.

    No family coming for the holidays and thus it will be an easy and quiet day.

  8. I'm sorry to hear the shop is closing. Especially since there are health issues for the owner. I hope closing the shop helps her return to good health. I hope all the ongoing classes find locations to finish up. The ones you talked about sounded so interesting. I loved the idea of the Vintage Notions class. You put so much into your classes that you will surely find a place to teach! Good Luck!

  9. It made me sad to hear about the shop closing - both for the owner and mostly for you! I taught at a shop before we moved away and I still miss it. Maybe someone will read your blog and call you up to work - you are too good not to share your talents!

  10. I'm sorry to hear that. What a bummer.

    I'm involved in the Valentine's blog hop and I'm totally nervous about my project! I'm a total beginner against of you talented people!

  11. I am so bummed! I just discovered the store in September and took a few classes this fall (none from you, but that is how I heard about your blog!) and was looking forward to doing more this spring. Very sad, as with other commenters I wish the owner the best.

    Do you have suggestions on other quilt shops in the area?

  12. I am so, sorry to hear that one of your LQS is closing. hmmm... maybe you should become a business owner!!! You already know you can teach!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!