Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sometimes I Drive Myself Nuts!

As I was driving home from a little shopping trip tonight, I was finally struck by an idea for a group of people I know. I've wanted to do something for them for Christmas but I hadn't come up with an idea--and, admittedly, I hadn't devoted too much thought to it either, because there were more pressing issues. So here it is, only a couple days left until crunch time, and suddenly things came together in my mind.

I can't tell you much about it just yet because there's a chance a couple of the group might read my blog and that would spoil the surprise, but suffice it to say that once I got home tonight, I went into the Sweat Shop and whipped up 25 small goodie bags:

Tomorrow night, I'll need to stop at another store or two to pick up a couple more things and finish getting everything ready. I'll show you what I'm doing once I've given these little gifts away.

But THIS is why I tend to get so much done. I'm endowed with a pinch of creativity, a cup full of optimism, and a quart of drive, and once I have an idea, I'm absolutely CERTAIN I can do it. And then I push myself until I've successfully DONE whatever it is--even if I have to just about kill myself in the process. But that doesn't matter, because I will have achieved my goal.

It's not easy living with myself, but I haven't figured out any other acceptable options yet. Sheesh!


  1. You are such an inspiration to me! We need to get together after the holidays and when things have settled down a bit. Hugs!!


  2. One things for sure, we have to take ourselves with us where ever we go. We can only hope we are good company, lol.

  3. Love the little bags. I feel like I get a lot done too, but I have no reason why...

  4. Pinch, cup and quart? You WAY under-estimate yourself! You are amazing and it is your inspiration that I start each morning with - lol. Thanks for taking the time each night to share! Florence

  5. Ummmm, could you box up and ship some of that idea, enthusiasm and drive over to Ships Landing as a wee Christmas gift to me???? LOL

  6. I love the way you discribed yourself! You are amazing with a large dash of talent:)

  7. The bags are cute - love the peppermint candies. I admire that you can get things done like that. I'd be crying and pulling out my hair and other nonproductive things like that.

  8. I can't wait to see what you create. you have such a talent. And at the last minute too!

  9. Kim, you DO get a lot done! Your blog is great and gives me creative spark all the time.
    Hope your DH is healing and you're not overworking yourself.
    Merry Christmas!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!