Sunday, December 19, 2010

All The Latest

Hubby had a good night and slept well. He even had a good morning. Until we started to wonder WHY he wasn't in pain and got a bit worried. We called the advice nurse, which led to her calling a doctor, which led to us going down to the emergency room. One of Hubby's ongoing health problems is something called Raynaud's Syndrome, which is a vascular disease that affects circulation in the fingers and toes, so a lack of feeling can be a sign of circulatory problems, and since Hubby's hand was so well wrapped, we couldn't see if his fingers were turning blue and falling off. ARGH!

So, needless to say, much of the day today was spent in the emergency room. In the end, it was decided that most likely Hubby will be okay and the culprit causing the numbness was his recently-diagnosed carpal tunnel problems. The doctors agreed that the swelling in his hand from the surgery had affected the nerves, causing the numbness. They also wrapped his hand a bit looser for better circulation and guess what? By mid afternoon, all the feeling had come back into his hand and he was practically beside himself in pain, poor guy! Pain meds helped though.

With all of the medical drama today, we weren't able to attend our annual family Christmas get together at Hubby's parents' house, but that was no real surprise: When Hubby's surgery first got pushed back to late on Friday, I figured Hubby wouldn't be in any condition for a party. So, once we got back home from the ER and settled in with lunch and pain medications, we had a fairly relaxing day, which was something I think we both needed. I finally got into the Sweat Shop, and it felt like I'd been away for WEEKS instead of days.

In fact, I had forgotten all about the Layer Cake Quilt Along until yesterday, when I visited the Moose on the Porch blog and printed out the newest block. The block this time was designed by Sherri of A Quilting Life--you might know her from the monthly Le Petite projects and parades she hosts along with Sinta. Here's my version of her block:

I always like star blocks, so this one was a real treat!

With Christmas so close, I have a lot to get done on Sunday, but most of it will be fairly enjoyable, I think. I hope all of you are enjoying the season too--at least as much as possible! Thanks for stopping in for a visit.


  1. Kim, I love that star block! You put the fabrics together really well. Sorry for the ongoing hand problems with your husband...that was smart to get the "no pain" thing checked out.

  2. Ohh! So glad you all thought that no pain was not normal in this instance. I would have been clueless. So glad it was taken care of in a timely manner and all is well now.
    Mmmmm, love that block. You do know how to arrange colors in a block to get the most impact. Love being a follower of your blog, I learn so much. Thanks :o)

  3. I'm so glad for both of you that the surgery is behind your husband, and hopefully the healing can begin. Love the star block. Those fabrics are adorable.

  4. have i ever told you the story about one of my favorite bosses cutting off the tip of his thumb with a circular saw? he went to the ER and the doctors sewed it back on, warning him that it might not "take" and to look for signs of infection or lack of circulation ... well, HIS hand was wrapped up like a giant QTip, too - and he couldn't see if it was turning blue or streaked with red - so he decided that the first clue would be the odor of gangrene - he would hold the bandage up to his nose and sniff sniff sniff ... for EVER this guy would walk up to me and say, "dianne, would you PLEASE smell my thumb?!?" ... yeah, sure Mike - like i want to get a big old whiff of rotten meat - sheesh!

  5. Holy Cowpie Batman...hope you have a calm week ahead..

  6. I am sorry Kim, about your dear Husband's ills of late...hang in there girl, and by the way, I love your block!

  7. I love your block! The fabrics are perfect! Hope you have a great week before Christmas!

  8. I forgot about the block too! Now I'm 2 blocks behind. I'll be playing lots of check up next week!

  9. No wonder I did not hear from you yesterday ... I hope you both are in your seats and your feet up.

  10. Oh, I love your star block. Who'd of thunk to put those fabrics together! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the blocks. Hope your husband is feeling fine now.

  11. It's hard to be a caregiver, even when it's a loved one. I cared for my mother the last 20 months of her life, and my husband has had a lot of health problems during our marriage. I think one of the hardest things is if you do think of yourself, or at least with me, then you feel guilty because you're the 'lucky' one, not the one with the problems. Or, if you have a day where you feel a little resentful, the same guilt, I'm the 'lucky' one. It's ok to be a little grumpy sometimes, especially when you are getting the run around, even if it's not actually anyone's fault. I'm glad you are able to vent a little on your blog, I'm sure that there are quite a few of us who can relate and understand to a certain extent, and empathize. I tell myself, none of us are perfect, if we aren't always selfless and noble, we are human and can only do our best. We all get tired and stressed and sometimes it's hard to think constant positive thoughts. I hope that your DH is healing well and you have a good Christmas. Sounds like you have a great family.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!