Friday, November 19, 2010

What You Said

I thought I might revisit a couple of your comments tonight. Charlotte asked yesterday:

"How can you write about your day (Thursday) when it is only 8AM in CA when I am reading your post. Or were you writing about Wednesday? I am confused!"

Good question and it's something I know has confused others but I tend to forget. Here's the explanation: I'm a night owl. If you look at the time I'm posting this--actually the time I started writing it--it's well after midnight and is technically Friday morning. So I'm more or less at the end of my Thursday--not the beginning of Friday when most of you are reading this after you wake up. Does that make sense? And I look at my blog as a journal--at least in part--so I like to look back at my day and record what I'm doing and what's going on around me to some extent.

Everyone, I think, voted for chicken noodle soup for my class and many of you said you wished you could be here. Sandy emailed me and also voted for chicken noodle soup and she WILL be in the class. So chicken soup it is! And if you're anywhere near Sacramento and feel like spending part of your rainy Saturday in class, having fun from 10:30 to 1:30, and eating chicken soup--well, I think I have two more openings, so give Bearpaws & Hollyhocks a call and sign up. As an added incentive? The shop has a huge sale going on--35% off. Can't beat that!

Finally, why am I up so late? Normally, I admit, I write my blog around 11:30 and post around midnight but tonight I'm writing later. And all this ties together--I'm up late writing and printing out patterns for class. Here are photos of the projects--we won't make them all in class, but I'll explain, demonstrate, and hand out patterns:

It should be fun!


  1. HI Kim

    Great projects, are the ornaments potholders? They are adorable

  2. I am quite often posting late at night (or early in the morning technically) too. I love the journal aspect of your blog and it is such a great record. It's amazing just how much you forget if it isn't recorded somewhere.

  3. Can't wait for Saturday, come hell or high water!!! See ya!! Hugs!


  4. Kim your little coasters are so adorable!

  5. I love those ornament coasters. Too cute!
    I'm really not doing anything Christmas-y yet. I might have to steal some ideas from you.

  6. Such cute projects! Are the ornaments coasters, potholders, or perhaps placemats? They are adorable!

  7. I love your projects. Where did you get the potholder pattern?
    I just love it!

  8. Hi Kim, I love the plans for your class - wish I could drop by but I'm a little too far away in Ontario, Canada. I want to tell you my mouse story... We were camping in New York State in our pop-up trailer and heard what we thought was a mouse and yes it was. She (I say she because I think she was making a nest) chewed up a box of Kleenex. We finally caught her in one of those humain mouse trap boxes and released her down the road in the woods. But, she came right back! Two more times we caught her and released her farther away and she again came back. My husband had had enough and to my horror, the fourth time, he threw her in the lake. To our amazement she swam back to shore and into the bushes but guess where she was that night? yup, back in our trailer. By this time she knew the trap trick and stayed away from it. We left for home the next day and she crossed the border with us into Canada. We finally caught her once we were home and this time my husband took her a couple of miles away to a new housing development where we hope she lived happily ever after.

    I hope your rat doesn't come back!

  9. It looks like great fun Kim- I wish I could be there- every project has lots of appeal- I love the ornament placemats and the wreath and the stockings and the folded ball - oh I love all of them LOL
    I am sure you and the girls will love eating chicken soup and creating together.
    Have a fabulous time together.

  10. OMG are those ornaments potholders? I know someone already asked, but that was the first thought that went through my mind when I spotted them, they are just so stinkin cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some!!!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!