Saturday, November 20, 2010

Perfect Timing!

On the evening before I teach a class, I'm usually running around the house, trying to get everything I need together in one place and finishing up whatever remains to be done. One of those things tonight was to pull some fabric and cut some strips so I could demonstrate how to make the fabric wreaths. I wasn't really looking forward to pulling fabric--it's always hard to decide what fabrics go together and what I want to "give up" for a particular project and what needs to be "saved" for something else.

I finally got into the Sweat Shop around 10 p.m. and thought that first I'd open a package that arrived with yesterday's mail. What did I find? This--

A lovely, happy jelly roll of Robert Kaufman's Sparkle All The Way fabric. You know what? I found it on sale online about a week ago and ordered it with the thought that it would make a good quick project, like a tablerunner, OR a wreath. Yep, a wreath! And then I forgot about ordering it. Don't you agree it was perfect timing that the jelly roll came and I opened the package just as I was wondering what I was going to use for fabric for the class wreath? I couldn't be more pleased! I have about a third of the jelly roll cut into strips already and that's enough to work with in class.

Tonight I made chicken noodle soup too, and guess what? This morning I decided to look at slow cookers with locking lids online and found just what I wanted at WalMart for a good price, so Hubby did a little shopping for me while I was at work today. No, this isn't a picture of my chicken "soup"!

This is just the packaging. My soup really IS chicken soup! And it fills the crock perfectly so it's ready for transport to class in the morning. Last time I brought soup to class, I had to drive veeeeeeeeeerrrrry careful, which is TOTALLY unlike me, and I had to strap the crockpot into the seat with a seatbelt. Admittedly neither are bad ideas anyway, but at least I know this time that the soup won't spill, even if I take a corner a little fast. Perfect timing! And if the chilly and rainy weather keeps up, I might be making and transporting more soup for the Schnibbles class NEXT weekend too!

I think I'm ready for class except for loading everything into the car tomorrow morning. I guess that can mean only one thing: Time for bed! Thanks for stopping in to visit.


  1. If I lived near you, I would be at EVERY class you teach -- you really go all out for your groups! Can't wait to see your wreath -- Florence

  2. I think soup is always a great meal, and it looks like your crock pot will fill the bill for classes.

  3. This is the slow cooker that I have. Love it. Timing is everything, isn't it?

  4. See what you did, you went and made me want that Sparkle All The Way jelly roll. You are so right, it's cute Christmas fabric. I'm ordering a jelly roll right now, I'm thinking of a table runner. I don't know what your wreath looks like, maybe you could give me a heads up on the pattern. Have fun teaching your class.

  5. Thanks for explaining when you write your blog. It makes sense to me now.

    Hope you had a fun class- sounds like a good time to me.


  6. Oh, Kim - you are gonna love, love, love that crock pot. I used to use bungy cords to hold the top on when transporting anything in my other crockpot -- and this way, you just snap those thingies on the sides and it it airtight. What a brilliant idea - I wished that I had though of it.

    I wish that I lived closer -- your classes always sound like so much fun.

  7. That is perfect timing, to find the Jelly roll! I love chicken soup, that is a good idea for this weekend.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!