Sunday, November 21, 2010

Am I Done Yet?

With the day, that is! Teaching class is always fun but tiring, both mentally and physically. I think we all had a good time though.

Here's a photo of a couple of my students hard at work on their wreaths.

And another photo of fabric strips all laid out and ready. The gal who was making this one was still working on hers when I left, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear she finished--she seemed pretty determined to not go home to the demands of her kids--I'm sure most of us can relate!

I'll confess that I just about forgot to take any photos until someone said something about it, so I snapped a few when we were well into the class--after lunch. As you can see, there's not a lot of food left.

You were right though--soup on a rainy and chilly day was just perfect! (I got this photo during one of the few sunny breaks.) And the new crockpot? I know for a fact that I would have spilled soup all over my car at least five times on the way to the shop with my other one, so this was a wonderful improvement.

With the big sale going on, the shop was busy most of the day--I just took a quick photo to show you--every aisle had a customer in it!

After class, three of us headed to the local quilt show to visit the vendors and enjoy the quilts made by our quilting community--this is, I think, the largest quilt show around and it's the last one of the year, so it's always well attended.

Do you remember my Hey Ghoul Friend quilt? This is one of the first classes I taught. One of the women involved with the show asked me if I'd like to enter a quilt, so I entered this one. I haven't been a guild member for a few years, but I think I'll probably rejoin again this year.

After the busy day, I drove home through the rain and found our little crepe myrtle tree had snapped one of its stakes and was leaning over, nearly touching the ground, so I had to struggle with getting it back up and then I also had to unload the car--all in the rain. Did you catch that? I can't emphasize that part enough--it was pretty miserable to be out in it, and I was soaking wet by the time I came in. I rewarded my efforts with a nice hot chocolate when I was done.

It seemed like every joint in my body was tired and achy by that time, and I didn't think I could do another thing, but I managed to throw together a simple dinner before collapsing in the Sweat Shop to watch some TV and work on my fabric wreath and a couple other small projects.

The wreath isn't done yet, but I think I am. Tomorrow will be another day of running around, so it's time to get some rest.


  1. Kim,
    Thank you for all of your hard work today. Class was a blast, as usually!! The food, so yummy, but the company was even better!! Hugs!

  2. Love the present quilt under your crockpot. What a great quilt for this time of year and also for birthdays. Sounds like you had a very busy day. Hope you get to relax some today.

  3. Okay, two things: first, is that a ribbon on your ghoul quilt? Congratulations. Second, do you have a tv in your sweat shop? So jealous. I listen to books while sewing but if I could have a movie on as
    As always, thanks for blogging.

  4. i KNEW that Hey Ghoul Friend would win first place!!! woo hootie HOO!!!

    someday i'll tell you the story about the crockpot full of meatballs that went for a Riiiide and Sliiiide...

  5. Time for a little well earned rest, dear Kim! I think your wreath class is wonderful. Congratulations on your win!!

  6. Congrats on another successful teaching adventure! And on your blue ribbon, how nice :)

  7. Drat and double drat!!!!! I forgot, yet again, about the quilt show. I really like that one and for some reason always miss it. Remind me next year!!!!! Purty please!!

    Congrats on the blue ribbon!!!

  8. Your class looked wonderful and congratulations on the ribbon!


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