Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh My Goodness, I'm Tired!

I went back to work today and felt better, but I'm not exactly 100 percent yet, AND I had to catch up at work, go to the Vintage Notions quilt class, and then run the errands I should have run the last couple nights but couldn't--Michael's and the grocery store.

Besides the regular groceries, I stocked up on Christmas baking supplies, purchased some of my Thanksgiving necessities (the turkey's now in the freezer), and bought what I think I might need to make lunch for my quilting class on Saturday--I'm conflicted between making a chicken and rice salad or chicken noodle soup. It's supposed to rain, so chicken noodle soup might be better in some ways, but then there's the whole crockpot thing--how to transport it without spilling, etc. (I saw a commercial for one that has a locking lid. If my name is on your Christmas list, there you go--now you know what you can get me.) I think I have everything I need to make either dish, so I'll just wait and see what I feel like making Friday night. But tell me this: If you were coming to my class, which do you think you'd prefer?

I got home from the grocery store around 10 p.m., cleaned out the fridge, and unloaded and stored groceries away. Now the voices in my head are telling me to take a bath and go to bed. I think I'll obey. I'm glad you could stop in to visit!


  1. I'd run out and buy the locking lid crockpot, and say, "Hey hubby, look what you bought me for Christmas!"

    I have one, I take things to work ON THE BUS with it. (Leaving a long trail of hungry people on the bus I might add!)

    Get some rest while you can, you never stay still for very long.


  2. I'd like the soup, with french bread. But then again, I love soup :-) And if it is a cooler day, perfect. Hope you are rested up. Lots of sewing to be done in thenext 5 weeks ;-)

  3. I vote for the soup. I just finished a crockpot full of veggie soup and now thinking about making a pot of chili. Must be soup season.

  4. I have one of those crockpots. What a life/time saver it has been. No more cleaning up messes in the car.

  5. If I were coming I would love the soup. I think I would like a locking lid crockpot. I will put it on my Christmas list also. Hope you are feeling 100% soon.

  6. How can you write about your day (Thursday) when it is only 8AM in CA when I am reading your post. Or were you writing about Wednesday? I am confused!


  7. Make the soup the day before and then transport it in a snap container... then just reheat in the crockpot...??

    I made chicken noodle soup the other day and it was soooooooooooo gooooood I need to make it again soon...

  8. I vote for chicken noodle soup! I'd love to come to one of your classes sometime, but you're too far away.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!