Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Stuff

We drew a winner of the Halloween panel and it's Laurie! Woo-hoo! Laurie, please email me your mailing address and I'll get the panel in the mail to you asap so you can actually make something with it THIS year.

And now, here's more Halloween good stuff:

Thanks for coming by to visit.


  1. Kim,

    Thanks so much for picking my name! What a treat to win!
    Can you send me your email address? so I can send my snail address. My puter is not set up yet to do default mail? Whatever that means.

  2. drats - it's naptime and i will just have to wait to hear The Monster Mash ... i did manage to bring home one of the dancing Frankie's from Hallmark the other day - he does the monster mash (and the guy can carry a tune, lemme tellya)

  3. Congratulations Laurie! Guess what tune is stuck in my head? Monster mash. :-) LOL

  4. Congrats to the winner!

    And Kim, I've got my panel purchased. :D


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!