Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pretty Scary!

Have you ever seen anyone after cosmetic surgery? I was off on Monday for Columbus Day, so Hubby and I made our annual trek up to Apple Hill. On our way back home, we stopped to visit our "married couple best friends" because (1) we like them and (2) the husband half of the couple had surgery last week to lift his eyes/eye lids. This wasn't one of those vanity things--he was starting to look a little bit like a sharpei (you know those wrinkly dogs?!). Okay, seriously he wasn't looking THAT wrinkly to me but the skin was saggy enough to interfere a little with his vision, so he had the procedure done. He greeted us at the door looking like he was all ready to go trick or treating--the skin all around both eyes was several shades of black and purple and still a bit swollen, poor guy! I took a photo, but it wouldn't mean much to anyone who doesn't know him, so I won't post it. Still, it was enough to make me think twice--or thrice--about ever having cosmetic surgery!

The weather was beautiful for Apple Hill although we didn't really spend much time up there. Part of the reason for going was so I could have a test ride in Hubby's new car, a Honda Element. It's a pretty excellent choice for a person who is handicapped because the suicide doors make getting the wheelchair in and out easier, and the wheelchair fits right behind the driver's seat. My Hubby is also rather tall, and the Element has plenty of head room. The ride was decent, and all in all, I think it's a car he'll be happy with for a long time.

Our only Apple Hill stop was at Boa Vista Orchards, where they had a nice selection of everything I could possibly need--which is the reason we didn't need to go anywhere else.

See those big boxes under the table in the photo below?

I brought home a box like that filled with golden delicious apples. And I was kind of excited about some last-of-the-season peaches--I'd like to make another batch of peach preserves because the last batch was really awesome! Anyway, you probably don't want to hear about all the fruits and veggies I bought, but they fit nicely in the new car.

After we got home, I worked on the last of the wool projects for the class I'm teaching, so that's done. Here's a photo showing all three--

Santa looks like he's been hitting the wine bottle a little too hard, so I'll need to find some lighter pink for the kits I make the students. As far as what remains to be done for class, I still have to write the pattern directions and put together kits and student goodie bags and handouts, but I should be able to get back to the Hallowe'en 1904 quilt before too long.

Time for bed--I've still been battling that stomach bug a little bit, so I need to get a good night's sleep. I'm glad you could stop by to visit.


  1. My hubby too has a Honda element, and has really enjoyed his. My funniest story about plastic surgery...I was working in the hospital, and a lady had had a total face life during the last year. I went into the room...and she was totally asleep with her eyes WIDE open! It was a bit unnerving...she could not close her eyes at all due to all the skin being stretched so, that was scary!

  2. Those little quilts are so darned cute. How big are they anyway? I marvel at how much you get done. I don;t do half that and I only work part time. My twin sisters were planning on having "nose jobs" and the first one had her's done and looked so terrible after that it scared the second sister so bad she cancelled hers. They had been identical until that time. NO MORE! THe job wasn't very good in My opinion either. It's a gamble what you may look like after, and you can't go back and have a reverse job. Oh well, I can't afford it anyway.

  3. I miss Apple Hill! When we lived in California, we'd take our kids every year and we just had the best times enjoying the day there and hauling our bounty home. Your quilts are darling -- I'm sure those classes are going to be fun!

  4. i like the take and bake pie freezer - what a concept! especially since no one can eat MY pie crust and live to talk about it...

    er oh - my word verification is "sickst" ... good thing it isn't a fortune cookie

  5. I love Apple Hill! I haven't been for a couple of years, but my sister keeps telling me my husband and I need to get up there. Last time I ate an entire apple fritter that was as big as a hub cap.

  6. I had eyelift surgery (needed because I was looking thru my lashes all the time). I had the surgery about 1 week before Halloween, how appropriate. My kids, being so kind as kids can be (teenagers) thought it was so funny that I was "ready" for Halloween.


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