Monday, October 11, 2010

True Confessions

I feel I need to confess. I cheated this weekend. On myself!

A week or two ago, I sat myself down and gave myself a strict lecture about buckling down and getting things ready for the wool class. I wasn't allowed to get sidetracked by any other projects until I had the three projects I needed designed and made up as samples. Only THEN could I work on something else.

But I lusted. Yes, it's the same old, sad story. I saw something I wanted and I took it, abandoning my duties and responsibilities.

You've probably seen this beauty around, haven't you?

I purchased the pattern, assembled the fabrics, and made half the blocks last year. I was doing a pretty good job of ignoring it this year, until it kept popping up on blogs all over the place. So I got mine out and took a look. Just one look couldn't hurt, right?

And then I thought maybe I could just work on it Friday night. You know, do a little applique while hanging out on the couch after a long work week. And maybe I could work on it Saturday morning before I really got started on the day--just to finish up the applique I'd started. Then, because I had a three day weekend (Monday is Columbus Day and my office is closed), it occurred to me that I could probably make three or four blocks between doing everything else, and surely I'd work on the wool project too. That way I wouldn't get bored.

Yeah, like all THAT was going to happen!

Of course, the dirty, rotten truth is that I worked on this quilt and this quilt only, ignoring the wool project altogether. But I was able to add three more blocks to the eight I'd made last year, and now I only have five blocks left. The whole left side of the quilt is made, in fact. Want to see?

And three blocks of the right side of the quilt are made. But I have to stop now and play with wool. I have one more day off before I go back to work, and there are several things planned for that day, but in between the plans, I need to do the wool thing. Because the sooner I can get it done, the sooner I can get back to those last five blocks.


  1. I love it, I was just eyeing that pattern on Shabby Fabrics!

  2. Love the quilt. Had to laugh at your title though. God, I used to read True Confessions when I was a young woman, lol. You probably don't remember the magazine do you? Kinda like short reality shows in a magazine.

  3. Obviously this is a bossy quilt that wants to be finished NOW! Sometimes you just have to grease the squeaky wheel, even in your hobbies! It looks terrific, Kim!

  4. Confession is good for the soul! Now get the wool done so you can finish this beauty!

  5. Love it! I just bought that pattern. Great to see it almost finished, yours looks awesome!

  6. Love the quilt!! I just showed it to my friend at a quilt show. I can't wait to see yours all finished. It's okay to get sidetracked now and again. Just get that wool stuff done so you can play!!

  7. I am glad to see that you are not as diciplined as you try to be! Where is the fun in that anyway? Your 1904 quilt is so fun... of course you had to play with it! I love it! I don't know what it is about it-- I'm afraid that I am just going to have to make this one.

  8. I am dying to make this quilt myself!

  9. ooo! i love this one - i wondered what had happened to it after the retreat ... if you'd like for me to keep those blocks safely out of sight while you work on the wool projects, they can come here to live for a while ... just sayin'

  10. I remember when you showed us last year this quilt.. I looked at it several times.. It's a beauty!
    Still haven't tackled wool..

  11. Well, I have always believed in listening when our quilts speak to us. Good for you for paying attention! I bought the booklet, but haven't started collecting fabrics yet. Soon.

  12. Oh I really like that quilt! I need to make it! LOL See how I get myself into trouble? Have a happy day!

  13. I bought the pattern last year and I have yet to do anything with it....I certainly don't blame you for sneaking time for it :-) It looks great!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


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